So here is a summary of my Saturday:
--The first thing that happened was that my laptop died. Well, not the whole thing, just the hard drive. I didn't lose that much data; I was kind of expecting that to happen, really, because it's been throwing up bad sectors and just generally making way too much noise and reading badly for a while, so I've been fanatic about backing up my data. (Unfortunately, I lost some porn, but hey, that's OK.) Luckily, I was smart enough to buy the extended warranty; the original expired about 2 weeks ago.
So it's going in for repair on Monday.
--Something odd I saw later: a SUV with a big bumper sticker that said, simply, in big white block letters on a black background, "PRAY". I think the bumper sticker had an ominous quality that the person who put it on there probably didn't intend: why are you telling me to pray? Are you that bad a driver?
--And here's the final thing that happened. I stopped in a chicken place to bring home dinner (the wondrous Popeye's, by the way.) While there, I saw an ex-co-worker I didn't want to see. Why such a negative reaction? There's a long story there, and when I tell you, you're just going to say "Come on, you're making that up." But I am going to relate this story exactly how it happened.
This guy was not the best employee my company ever had. And he had a bad problem with absentee-ism; he called in a lot, and sometimes just didn't return from lunch. So, obviously, his boss -- and mine, since we were in the same department -- treated his excuses for being absent with skepticism. This means that he must have felt he needed proof of why he had to go home.
So on that fateful day, I was at my desk, and my boss was there with me, training me in some new procedure. The co-worker in question, Mr. Brown, comes up to us and tells my boss, "I went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and it's really killing my stomach, and, well, I had a little problem." And then he produces his proof. He shows us that he is holding a Lean Cuisine box. He opens it to reveal...his underpants, which, apparently, are befowled. He left, and my boss and I just looked at each other with this look of utter disbelief on our faces, like we were both thinking the same thing: what kind of freak shows his boss shitty underwear?
Obviously, he got fired, and when I saw him, I knew that I just couldn't deal with talking with him. Luckily, I did avoid him. The question still remains for me, though, and I reiterate: what kind of person shows his boss shitty underwear?
Anyway, there's my day. Interesting, at least.
--The first thing that happened was that my laptop died. Well, not the whole thing, just the hard drive. I didn't lose that much data; I was kind of expecting that to happen, really, because it's been throwing up bad sectors and just generally making way too much noise and reading badly for a while, so I've been fanatic about backing up my data. (Unfortunately, I lost some porn, but hey, that's OK.) Luckily, I was smart enough to buy the extended warranty; the original expired about 2 weeks ago.

--Something odd I saw later: a SUV with a big bumper sticker that said, simply, in big white block letters on a black background, "PRAY". I think the bumper sticker had an ominous quality that the person who put it on there probably didn't intend: why are you telling me to pray? Are you that bad a driver?
--And here's the final thing that happened. I stopped in a chicken place to bring home dinner (the wondrous Popeye's, by the way.) While there, I saw an ex-co-worker I didn't want to see. Why such a negative reaction? There's a long story there, and when I tell you, you're just going to say "Come on, you're making that up." But I am going to relate this story exactly how it happened.
This guy was not the best employee my company ever had. And he had a bad problem with absentee-ism; he called in a lot, and sometimes just didn't return from lunch. So, obviously, his boss -- and mine, since we were in the same department -- treated his excuses for being absent with skepticism. This means that he must have felt he needed proof of why he had to go home.
So on that fateful day, I was at my desk, and my boss was there with me, training me in some new procedure. The co-worker in question, Mr. Brown, comes up to us and tells my boss, "I went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and it's really killing my stomach, and, well, I had a little problem." And then he produces his proof. He shows us that he is holding a Lean Cuisine box. He opens it to reveal...his underpants, which, apparently, are befowled. He left, and my boss and I just looked at each other with this look of utter disbelief on our faces, like we were both thinking the same thing: what kind of freak shows his boss shitty underwear?
Obviously, he got fired, and when I saw him, I knew that I just couldn't deal with talking with him. Luckily, I did avoid him. The question still remains for me, though, and I reiterate: what kind of person shows his boss shitty underwear?
Anyway, there's my day. Interesting, at least.
sounds like we're in therapy or something.
hey, PORN therapy!
it all makes sense now!