Holy Moly I got myself into a little snafu with the two young ladies I've been hanging with periodically.
Turns out they know each other. Here's how.
I was introduced to Shorty Brown (names have been altered) by Decorator Lady, my business partner's wife. Shorty Brown's roomate is Decorator Lady's co-worker. Decoratory Lady knows Shorty Brown through coworker and intorduced me to Shorty Brown.
Decorator Lady has an assistant, Stretch Blondie. Stretch was peaved that Decorator didn't introduce HER to me. So Stretch and I had a lunch date and hit it off as well.
I've been hanging out with them equally, and even once on the same day I hung out with both. One in the morning, one in the evening.
Well....Shorty decides to visit Decorator and her roomate, co-worker, at their office (where Stretch works...) and tell Decorator that she's been having a great time with me and thanks for hooking us up.
Sooo....Stretch says, "you're seeing Jake too?" To which shorty and her get sligthly catty with each other comparing places we've gone together, who's seen which tattoo, stupid shit like that...
Shorty Brown wrote me today and gave me a good ribbing about being a whore and just give me a good embarassment. Shorty and I have plans for tonight, which she is keeping. But I'm curious how the next conversation with Stretch Blondie is going to go...
I'm surprised I didn't see that coming, but it's pretty hillareous to me and those involved (except I don't know Stretch's perspective on it all...)
Oh yes, what a life I lead...
Turns out they know each other. Here's how.
I was introduced to Shorty Brown (names have been altered) by Decorator Lady, my business partner's wife. Shorty Brown's roomate is Decorator Lady's co-worker. Decoratory Lady knows Shorty Brown through coworker and intorduced me to Shorty Brown.
Decorator Lady has an assistant, Stretch Blondie. Stretch was peaved that Decorator didn't introduce HER to me. So Stretch and I had a lunch date and hit it off as well.
I've been hanging out with them equally, and even once on the same day I hung out with both. One in the morning, one in the evening.
Well....Shorty decides to visit Decorator and her roomate, co-worker, at their office (where Stretch works...) and tell Decorator that she's been having a great time with me and thanks for hooking us up.
Sooo....Stretch says, "you're seeing Jake too?" To which shorty and her get sligthly catty with each other comparing places we've gone together, who's seen which tattoo, stupid shit like that...
Shorty Brown wrote me today and gave me a good ribbing about being a whore and just give me a good embarassment. Shorty and I have plans for tonight, which she is keeping. But I'm curious how the next conversation with Stretch Blondie is going to go...
I'm surprised I didn't see that coming, but it's pretty hillareous to me and those involved (except I don't know Stretch's perspective on it all...)
Oh yes, what a life I lead...