one small joy of my weekends are my showers. being a mechanic the nightly showers i have are whacked out....i start by scrubbing my arms until they are semi white and alil red. then i go to my head then back to my arms scubbing them once more until they are white and a minimal showing of what i do. by then 10-15 minutes has past. but on the weekends the scrubbing is virtually gone. i have more time to fondle my sack scrub the soles of my feet and to play with what lil facial hair has grown since i last shaved. its great.i dont want to work tomorrow. the days arent as short as they first started. i found out how old norah jones is...too old for me. isnt that a bitch. so tomorrow we are suposidly "fucked" with the amount of work we have. im sure it will go easy. the best thing to do is go with the flow let the office worry about the time schedule.there this girl i really used to like alot online now and im debating to talk to her. i think i pissed her off the last we seen of each other. but the lure of the love we had beckons me to attempt to say hi.well i did it. i want to get into blues music. i have some ideas musically that need addressing.
where do u live?
it is good times