i hate my fuckin car. all i wanted was to change the oil. all i get for the maintance is a stripped nut a burnt wheel bearing and a brake job. hijoles wheres the love?oh well 200 bucks shot in the ass. the sad part is i cant turn my own drums. my cheap ass boss wont buy a machine. its only a couple thousand...
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here is what i think of your hot dog
!!! hehehe

Hmm take a pic of that haircut!

so over the past few months i have found my self overtly superstitous. i dated this girl like 7 months ago. that lil relationship went right into the toilet. we used to go to school together now i dont go and she still does and if im like 15 minutes later then i usually am i pass her and sometimes not any later and sometimes...
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How can you have expectations of me when you don't even know me?
insite is not a word, i think you mean "insight". is that profound enough for you?
I usually save my more meaningful revelations for my friends and not for this site. Especially when educating myself and small children is how I change the world every day.
I usually save my more meaningful revelations for my friends and not for this site. Especially when educating myself and small children is how I change the world every day.
today was a weird day i was so mad at the work they were handing me but 4 hours into it i was like fuck it and got all happy. i was so into the music playing i forgot what i was doing for alil while too.i was freaking out cuz id come back to reality and not remember where i left stuff.today is cinco...
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sorry , i suck at writing

umm I was just charing... no help needed but thanks

so the contract was resolved i talked lawyer and all the sudden was "oh ill change it" he thought he had me by the balls and i turn right around and grabbed his haha. whos got whos balls now BITCH!?is it me or are the people at the hot topic too friendly? they seem to want to know stuff about you or pick stuff up...
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1 2 3 go, put up a pix of you!!!!!!!

Employee Non-Compete Agreement
For good consideration and as an inducment for James Thomas Volvo Service to Employee Jake1030, the undersigned employeeagrees not to directly or indirectly compete with the business of the company and its successors and assigns during the period of employment and for a period of 1 year following termination of employment and notwithstanding the cause or reason for termination. The term "not...
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For good consideration and as an inducment for James Thomas Volvo Service to Employee Jake1030, the undersigned employeeagrees not to directly or indirectly compete with the business of the company and its successors and assigns during the period of employment and for a period of 1 year following termination of employment and notwithstanding the cause or reason for termination. The term "not...
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Okay I dunno what that kinda equipment is but its a car thing so I ono.. I wouldnt sign that shit either but it sounds like it might be mandatory for you to? Hmm get a lawyer or public attorney to look at it before you sign or dont sign it.
hope you had a good weekend..
And yes the blow job entry was an old joke.
hope you had a good weekend..
And yes the blow job entry was an old joke.

i'd like to encourage you to believe the tings i do fact is something's wrong inside of me at times i find it hard to see what i really want to be and that's when something snaps inside of me i was once just like you born without a fucking clue and now i live my life to be free live your life jesus christ...
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well i laid into the sanp on man today. thank god. i got someof that off my chest. he swore it was a brand ass new one. i said bullshit i want the one i had or one just like it. and wouldnt give me one like it just the old one back and he also swears it was a better ratchet then what i...
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I still call it duck tape..
It will always be duck tape..
You should just best the hell out of the snap on guy I mean honestly does he think your stupid and dont know your shit? Ugh..
I'll pretend I know what your talking about when you say scope and 36 grain ammo... You remind me of Clint Eastwood. I'd say something like your packin a "9" but I dont know what kinda gun your using so.. eh... You feelin lucky punk?
It will always be duck tape..
You should just best the hell out of the snap on guy I mean honestly does he think your stupid and dont know your shit? Ugh..
I'll pretend I know what your talking about when you say scope and 36 grain ammo... You remind me of Clint Eastwood. I'd say something like your packin a "9" but I dont know what kinda gun your using so.. eh... You feelin lucky punk?

oh poor duck that sucks

today was fucking hotter then hell. i sweat my balls off. i took the funniest phillino lady home. she called up her ex husband...hey im taking your car for a week so if you need a ride anywhere just let me know ill drive you....and all i heard from him was "ok" then she told me about the break up which sounds to have been...
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well, we say he is gay. he may be a little metrosexual...but one of our roommate is his fiance. Although she has no issues with us bossing him around and saying he has no penis. 

just passing by and saying hello.... how are you doing doll? well hope all is well!

gone shootin
Okay, point made. I guess shooting shit up can and is relaxing.
Theres a spider walking accross my screen as I type this and Im not sure if I should smash it or ignore it. Bugs creep me out. I left it alone now its somewhere on my desk.. Eck!
Im watching white olender also.. This movies wierd. Whats the last movie you've seen?
Theres a spider walking accross my screen as I type this and Im not sure if I should smash it or ignore it. Bugs creep me out. I left it alone now its somewhere on my desk.. Eck!
Im watching white olender also.. This movies wierd. Whats the last movie you've seen?
awwww, thanks!
so im listening to boston right now. i didnt remmebr how good this one record is. well im still having trouble with the snap on man. im bringing a HUGE knife for threatening purposes. we had alil knife show off and he mocked stabing me cuz he had a bigger knife then me. well not next week. unless hes got a sword hes not gonna...
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i know i'm crazy

Not EVERYONE wants a pit bull.. at least I dont think so. I think I'm going to breed a shitzu with a bull dog and name the breed "Bullshit"
(insert cheesy roll of the eyes here)
Hmm a boxer?
*hums the theme from Rocky*
Thats cool. They have nice boots.

Hmm a boxer?
*hums the theme from Rocky*
Thats cool. They have nice boots.

i heard on the radio 19.95 dsl if you order online. fucking retarded me i look into it and i feel greatly stupider then before i started. 200 bucks to have someone install it and 99 plus tax shipping and handling for a modem.im fucking 20 they should feel lucky my system meets the requirments.so fuck sbc. now im looking at verizon.and they are out.im...
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Shadows Fall, Arch Enemy, Unearth, and Dillinger Escape Plan are all good metal...as for hipster, what do you mean? What do define as "hipster"? Like Modest Mouse or something?
The Thermals, The weakerthins, Death Cab for Cutie...Brand New and Cohhed & Cambria are also really good.
one small joy of my weekends are my showers. being a mechanic the nightly showers i have are whacked out....i start by scrubbing my arms until they are semi white and alil red. then i go to my head then back to my arms scubbing them once more until they are white and a minimal showing of what i do. by then 10-15 minutes has...
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where do u live?
it is good times