Being a model's photographer always has everything to do with catching the essence of every each person that cross your way during the journey. It's been a while since I shoot amazing sets for this relief to the eyes that we call Suicide Girls, I mean, 2016? Damn, it's been four years now. That said, sometimes you start to feel that you gotta reach a new level of excitement and experiments when it comes to challenge yourself as a professional.
Last year I had my doubts about my skills, not the theory itself cuz I've been studying audiovisual for over a decade now, but I was living what an artist can call a "block".
My experience as a photographer had a plot twist when me and @lilxlith decided to call some of the most amazing, charismatic and passionate to SG's life style models that we could find, reunite them on a beach house for 3 days and try to achieve the maximum of quality sets can be, by providing not just the professional vision that we have but we wanted an environment with the potential to inspire ideas and maybe with some luck I would be able to break my adamantium block wall.
What happened is that these sets I shoot had so much spirit and commitment in all the senses that I had a blast. It was complete joy. One of those moments that your professional life means something for you and for the ones involved in all of it.
That said, I want to call your attention to this new experience that I had with @ilana this gorgeous but quiet and all mystique person that I insist to call Elviqui (just to tease her ) 🤣
She's a huge Star Wars fan, cause even tho she looks like a dark all goth witch babe, she's in fact a geek 😎. We we're talking about ideas for a cool and new way to portrait a Star Wars tribute on a set without falling into the pit of redundant stuff, and THEN, BOOM. She throws her jack out of the box and it it's the all amazing Carrie Fisher's beach shoot in 83 for Rolling Stone.
At first I was thinking about how hard that would be since Ilana is a shy geek, I'm a full-clown but still a geek too, and the beach for sure would be having a LOT of people goofin' around as we do it.
Now at the house we're worried about that but it was really cool idea and we didn't wanted to shut down the idea so we grabbed our stuff and went straight to the beach to do it.
What happened next was a lot of running here and there at 7 to 8 am in the morning, always having the dress her up as fast as we could as the sun was rising over the sea.
It was a great experience and it felt so good about the shots I had. It was a first time at the beach, first time with a naked witch geek model running around the shore like crazy, and the first time having a big responsibility as big as trying to reproduce an iconic shoot like that one frame and colorwise.
It went so well, it made me so good, it was amazing to see Ilana's excitement too! But now you guys will have to wait till you see it cuz our brand new masterpiece together is going to be online in two months and a couple weeks from here.
But since I'm no Darth Vader Imma give you guys a taste, but just a taste
Cheers to all of you geeks and freaks like me
@rambo @lemon @missy