i went out and saw the twilight samurai. check out this small town charm. at the theatre, which is very quaint and charming, some guy came out to say, 'welcome...we have a video library here where if you want to borrow anything just write down your name, what you're borrowing and bring it back whenever you feel like it'. shocking. either this is a new experiment that may or may not work or, in the case of if i were borrower, the person must feel so flattered that they're being trusted that they bring the film back very fast in mint condition. or maybe the town is just too small and they videotape you somehow and then send people around to where you live to find the videos.
i also wrote a horrible first draft of an encyclopedia entry that's due sunday. what's worse is i have to write another one that i haven't started. so much time on my hands-seeing movies alone for instance-yet no discipline. what am i doing writing this entry right now?
i also wrote a horrible first draft of an encyclopedia entry that's due sunday. what's worse is i have to write another one that i haven't started. so much time on my hands-seeing movies alone for instance-yet no discipline. what am i doing writing this entry right now?
oh my, it's due sunday???? I'll get back to you soon with comments.