Long time no write -- things are good ... very very good!
I've been working out for 4 weeks now, i have a personal trainer and its lots of fun.
I have a new .. ahem .. 'friend'

.. gawd shes hot
... oh and I can't wait until this comes out!!! Counting the days

Ya .. things are good

I've been working out for 4 weeks now, i have a personal trainer and its lots of fun.
I have a new .. ahem .. 'friend'

.. gawd shes hot
... oh and I can't wait until this comes out!!! Counting the days

Ya .. things are good

I loved your Poo story, I have a few German friends, they all laughed when I told them- plus it gave me an excuse to say something in German-LOL
You keep workin out, you'll have to post some picsof the new body!
I really really want to see 300 - it looks incredible