Hello all from Germany - Man - oh - man - I love it here
Here are some pics -- .. one of Alexandra and I sleeping at the Frankfurt Airports train station waiting for the ICE (which travels around 265 km/hr) .. at this point in the pic we have been travelling in cars and 2 planes for 17 hours - only another 5 hours to go
another pic of Bernau (where we are staying) and another of Tobi and Alexandra after finding a christmas tree.
We are in a small community in the high black forest (hochschwartzwald) .. we went christmas tree hunting yesterday the old fashion way .. hiking in search of the perfect tree
We got one.
We're off to Freiburg tomorrow to the Christmas Market .. Woohoo.. shopping
6 best things I love about Germany...
1. Beer (specifically Radler - beer and sprite mix)
2. Pretzels (mmmm.. can get these with butter EVERYWHERE!)
3. Haribo (candy is absolutely amazing here)
4. Autobahn (holy shit.. literally)
5. Beer
Here are some pics -- .. one of Alexandra and I sleeping at the Frankfurt Airports train station waiting for the ICE (which travels around 265 km/hr) .. at this point in the pic we have been travelling in cars and 2 planes for 17 hours - only another 5 hours to go
We are in a small community in the high black forest (hochschwartzwald) .. we went christmas tree hunting yesterday the old fashion way .. hiking in search of the perfect tree
We're off to Freiburg tomorrow to the Christmas Market .. Woohoo.. shopping
6 best things I love about Germany...
1. Beer (specifically Radler - beer and sprite mix)
2. Pretzels (mmmm.. can get these with butter EVERYWHERE!)
3. Haribo (candy is absolutely amazing here)
4. Autobahn (holy shit.. literally)
5. Beer
I always miss Germany around this time of the year!!!!!!!! Enjoy as much as you can, if you can take a trip to switzerland. It's not far from where you are, just don't buy any alcholhol there it's about four times the price as Germany. So pack your Raddler's...
wow, amazing!
keep having a fantastic time, i'm so stoked for you!