The FIRST THING that koums to my mind when Eye see &/or hear about the infamous SWASTIKA is Sex & then Death. Eye have been studying this symbol closely for a number ov years & it seems to me as if most people are ignorant ov it's roots. Thankfully, some ov you out there are actually educated enough to know that the Swastika has been a magickal symbol long before the Nazi's demonized it's meaning. This symbol has appeared in ANCIENT cultures worldwide. It was a great symbol ov power in ANCIENT Norway & Iceland ( it was also being used by a lot ov other Germanic tribes- the Goths, Visigoths, Saxons, Anglo-Saxons, etc.) where it basically represented the Laws ov Nature; which are to be interpreted as Birth, Life, Death, & Rebirth (each cycle a spoke on the wheel). Ususally it was refered to as "the sunwheel". Sometimes closely linked to the God who discovered the Runes, Odhinn. Swastikas have also made universal appearances in the Americas (esp.Meso-America), India, China, Japan & various other ancient lands. It's meaning WAS mostly consistent throughout the world. Because ov poorly educated meglomaniacs the swastika has become a scapegoat for projected fears! Who cares if the fuckin' Nazi's used it! Get over it & wake up to this new Aeon! These fanatics are the reason why GREAT artists get banned from performing in the NW. These people sure do seem to contradict themselves a great deal though they are supposedly AGAINST taking away the freedom ov expression. Egos are for annihilating! Eye will continue this rant next tranzmission...
I had this in my bookmarks and totally forgot about it: