in all reality it needs to finally get warm here in WI, i'm sick of of cold and really wanna run my car and now that it has the new motor well ok almost has the new motor. i wanna run to see if it does any better then the last which was lost because of this icy winter, stupid low cars and ice chunks....
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Yeah I'm getting sick of the cold shit here frown That's why I've been bitching about it nearly in every blog of mine this winter haha. But soon it will actually warm up and everything will be ok... at least for a while.
today was actually a pretty nice day outside. but of course i work all day so it doesn't matter much to me.
it's needs to get warmer so the ugly dirty snow can go away. it's crampin' my style tongue

after the kind of winter we just had, this summer better be fucking amazing!
Thank you all the people who left me comments and such.. smile made me quite happy..i suppose thats all there is really to say. hmmmm...lemme think here i'm sure theres more to say...ok maybe not...this well i suppose this will happen at times especially with me, never sure what to say all the time... o well anyone wanna help with this problem? haha alright people
No problem sir
so i posted my first SB set yea i don't much like it but gimme some feed back on it please would be great...ummm... yea....and i'm super excited that its up and well if theres any photographers in madison WI perferibly girls cuz well getting naked in front of a guy is a little awkward for me please leave me a message cuz i would...
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you're cute smile
do you really work 3 jobs??
Made ya a profile pic
damn its hard to write these blog things when there littles on your mind. hmm i shall try to say something...well...ok ithat failed...hmm
sometimes i just don't know what to do. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, but what happens when the fruit you get is rotten. When life gives you loads of bullshit what are we to do. I just come to wonder why does it all happen to me....well wait i will say right now i may just deserve it all. anyone care to...
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deep breath... you'll get the good fruit if you can avoid the rotten... i think anyway wink
Well right when you think things are looking up shit all falls about karma is a bitch and the worst part of it, is that i deserve it all. I think its going to be awhile before everything gets right in my life now, and who knows everything could fall apart competely by then..i suppose i have no real reason to bitch about whats going...
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does anyone else ever feel like your being lied to, but yet you don't wanna say anything in case your wrong, so you keep your mouth closed so things don't get at all messed up...yet in the back of your mind you can't help but wonder....everything just suddenly feels so weird that you, can't get your mind off of it...yea i'm not sure what else...
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man i suck at keeping up with these things....o well i shall try my best and well yea i never have much to say...yea i pretty much have the most boring life possible...well not really but there have been lessons learned of speaking of the things i find fun online...yea to many people lose their license to being stupid online and going on how they...
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yea so i finally decided to set this page up, yea it took me along time....oh well i'm finally doing it, haha if someone can help me get a profile picture up please do i really want to get one up and well its just not working at all, haha well i'm not sure what else to say we'll see... smile alright yep befriend me haha