haha i love people but man they can piss me off so easy, how can simple things take a person from being your best friend to being an asshole and him just acting like you don't exist. i suppose fake people is where this is going...don't you just love them. all i know is well i guess i don't. story being i saw one of...
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Im with you on the fake people too...thanks hun appreciate itsmile
i was bored hehe; ppl piss me off too! but my new set should be in member review soom.. make sure to check it out cuz its HAUTE!

Hmmm i think i needa start to actually find stuff to do......this whole sitting at my moms place is getting boring however i can use the computer here so its all good...idk i think i needa work on my motorcycle today and well i don't have the plugs so well theres no need to really go tear it apart....oh well we'll see if i get...
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Dood any place it better than living where I am...
hello all...
well all that actually read this shit haha...
anywho i actually got a morning off which is nice so i thought i'd actually update my blog...although not much has happened wisconsin is sucking for this rain and is pissing me off cuz well not much to do with this rain so who knows i want lke 2 dry weeks in a row so...
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Hot sticky wet weather crappy yuck yuck
If I fix yer computer you fix my car plz k thx seriously
the rain is awesome though
wow i'm super bored.....its the forth of july and well there is nothing to do i could blow shit up by myself but thats lame....i wanna go ride but no one to ride with at this point ....and well i have no idea what else to do my family went up north but i was even awake today so well damn i'm left with shit...
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surf SG! Yeah I think you are right I have a pretty full schedule!
Thanks man biggrin
We are having a big bbq but ya live so far otherwise I'd say come on over
So its summer and well summer means motorcycle season :-)))...and well this means i just might get hurt...while riding normally i don't much worry about falling...and i know imma drop it doing wheelies and stoppies and such, cuz i'm just stupid like that.....but after riding with my friend and my buddy hitting the pavement after about 10min. , b/c of a car...i worry why the...
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haha people in cars are vert clueless hun!!
i've come to realize all my blogs are like depressing ones and well...i suppose thats what i get when i just do dumb things....but o well i'm hoping to leave this all behind me now....we'll see how well this goes....who knows.........well idk....i think i needa look at getting a new computer soon or fixing mine....we'll see what works best...
broken computers suck ass!!
aw, broken computers are horrid, i hope you fix yours soon or get a new one
man this whol no computer biz sucks

anyone ever have so much weigh your mind that you just can't think right and feel disordant and can't tell up from down. should i go or should i stay and hope for the best....chances and risk are a skill of mine and normally i go from them and come out on top...at the same time i've came...
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its kind of poopy but computer took a shit, and well yea so i have no computer and it really sucks o well i shall figure this out one way or another i start my second job this week so, maybe i can save up enough for a new computer soon
frown I think mines gonna take a shit soon too so I gotta save X_x
god being sick sucks, well that and unexpected things....yea, its been that kind of week for me...my cousin died due to alcohol poisoning, which made me think of my own drinking for the fact that i'm still under 21 until the end of next year....but at the same time i remember that i control my drinking and know when i can or shouldn't or can't...
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I need a new camera hardcore... a real one frown and thats sad frown Everything will work out in the end tho. I've lost people and life moves on.
sorry to hear about your cuz..that sucks but at least it made you step back a bit and review your own life....hope you feel better
so after finishing fixing my busted piece of shit, car...i feel accomplished not to mention it seems faster, then b4 maybe a mid 14 i hope haha not fast i suppose but for a stock motor in a street car its not bad..well it does need a new transmission but thats another story...now i got my co-workers and well even my boss asking me to...
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Come fix my car dood X_x
Yaya biggrin I need to get a real camera
i hate to say it too soon.....but well i think my luck has finally changed....car works...getting last part for it real cheap and getting all the little things done over the next 2 or 3 days......then this weekend should be warmish and dry so i can take my car out and run it...hoping it holds up to some abuse...and now theres way to entertain myself..and...
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My car is screwed up frown Like hardcore... and I have like $0 for anything sucks balls frown