hmmmmmmm not sure what to say its been a slow...and hard start to the year..hahah car i got for xmas still doesn't run....umm i found out my license is suspended and i got pulled over for nothing in the first place..mind you the cop was the one who first told me i got a suspended license damn troopers...all that cuz i hadda air freshener hanging...
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thank yousmile YEeah it should be a fun nightsmile
oh christmas tree oh christmas tree i don't know the rest of the song...happy holidays and new year to everyone on here!! wuahaha idk not much to say...o well alright peoples
man I dont make it on enough anymore Haha oh well sure all will be well soon
awe thanks hun
oh god lol.....i keep wondering how i can live i've never lived without a car since i was 16....never without a computer since i was like 12 and man oh man its starting to drive me crazy for real....i need something to make me sane ahhh hopefully i can convince my mom to lend me money and i will have a car by thanksgiving so...
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haha cool better make it to a party then
Sweet halloween is soon..!!!!!!!!!!wuahahaha normally not my favorite of holidays but this year it should be great...altho i think its gonna be a weekend of no sleep...that'll make 2 in a roll but thats fine for some fun hahahaha,
nice I have a busy Nov... big partys every other weekend so I get to sleep some
SO i think life hsa been better alots of let downs and lots of bullshit in the past week....My car broke AGAIN 4th motor i blew not to mention the 2nd one just in that car alone GAAAAHHHH haha well lucky my friends love me and had a $3000-$4000 sitting around haha which i'm getting for 600 cuz well it needs to be finshed being...
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holy shit its been forever since i posted something last waaa...so much has happened and so much more to come i think the computer business is a must now well i got a new job so give it a couple weeks and hopefully i will have a new computer hahaha.....man ok well helllo everyone haha
congrats on the new job
yeah it is..haha looks like you had funsmile
Awesome stuff. You're quite the dare devil.
wuhahaha imma get in trouble sooner or later.......
ok ok ok i'm at the bad at the whole explaining how i start these blogs....well all you that read my blog on a normal basis know i ride a motorcycle and well i ride it almost everyday...problem being i like do stunt my motorcycle which wasn't that bad before but well now i can actually do...
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sweet more time to do nothing its fucking super sweet.....i've spent another whole week with the friendgirl smilemy buddy dj and his womenish person its been nice. move my apartment to a 1bedroom thanks to dj and krista and civic it all got moved...and thanks to jaina it all got cleaned smile and sorta helped me organize everything...haha she didn't feel to good..it was all good...
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thx hun! u make me feel special!
hahasmile thanx
sweet i found sometime once again....i love when i find random time to do things wuahahah anywho....idk...ever have a time when things just seem to perfect...and you bring your own luck into question...is this really gonna go right or is it going to be all sorts of fucked in the end or well a couple weeks...i suppose the here and now is whats important for...
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haha it was fun.....but think of it this way....why do think the Canadian girls are so hot?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

To snuggle with to keep warm in cold weather...HAHAHA

sweet i've made it one week with no police contact due to my motorcycle that has no happened since the summer has started. Its pretty nice. haha ok it may be bad that i'm excited by that. haha oh well.

I've been to busy to even like check this site lately what happened to boss?????

hmmm well ok thats all i have for today i...
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Thanks for commenting my set ox
For the Member Review, girls have a choice of putting it directly into member review or staff review. I chose to put this in Member Review in hopes it can be purchased faster. Its not a rejected set smile
hey, you're from madison! nice to meet you. you look super familiar but i can't figure out from where...