Thought I would just share a nice song I found.
Tuesady! 8 days later I have a new blog post.
Today I was back in the studio, shooting a pretty well known model from out of town. I'm located in Toronto and she's from Winnipeg, a different city. Her name is Dannie Riel.
Dannie Riel
The shoot lasted about 3 hours and wen't pretty smoothly considering the 2 major issues I had.
I didn't get...
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Today I was back in the studio, shooting a pretty well known model from out of town. I'm located in Toronto and she's from Winnipeg, a different city. Her name is Dannie Riel.
Dannie Riel
The shoot lasted about 3 hours and wen't pretty smoothly considering the 2 major issues I had.
I didn't get...
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Damn makes me want to come to Canada all girls seem so pretty!
Wahhh its been awihle since a post. REcently got back from the canadian international autoshow. Lucky for me I'm media, so I got to go during media day without having to fight through crowds of people. Here's some sample shots.
I brought some studio lights with me to do some studio shot set ups at the show. Because pointing camera at cars and shooting doesn't...
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I brought some studio lights with me to do some studio shot set ups at the show. Because pointing camera at cars and shooting doesn't...
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Those autoshow days are horrible when you go on a "normal" day, at least here it's really overcrowded and most of the time not for the cars 

It's a limited edition helmet thingy =) Thanks really appreciate the comments on pics !
OOOOO MAAANNN!!!!! Friday night I was in the studio from 9am - 7pm. Oooo I was sooooo tired!! We ended up shooting about 5 agency models for a magazine, all fashion. It was fun, got to meet some really nice people one of the models flew in from B.C for the shoot. Our make up artist was soooo funny! He had this really crazy accent...
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Still cool though I wish I had that kind of opportunity in here!
Cool! Can't wait to see your images, and you listed FF7 under your 'fantasy' in your profile so you immediately are full of win in my mind x
SUNDAY!!!! Usually every sunday I go to the vintage market, but today I slept in....since I'm poor anyways.
Today I'm meeting up with 2 friends I haven't seen in awhile for coffee. So I look forward to that.
What I DON'T look forward to is going to back to college tomorrow. The break is over. Boo...
Also 3rd model in a row flaked on me...
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Today I'm meeting up with 2 friends I haven't seen in awhile for coffee. So I look forward to that.
What I DON'T look forward to is going to back to college tomorrow. The break is over. Boo...
Also 3rd model in a row flaked on me...
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I'm reading 'No One Belongs Here More Than You' and 'The Great Gatsby'.
And the reason I have no ink is that I love Japanese onsens.

And the reason I have no ink is that I love Japanese onsens.

Well that HARDLY seems like a reason to damn me then! 

Oh god. Last night was fucking horrible and kinda fun.
8 hour shift at the club with a 5 pound camera on my right hand..... got there at 7pm with 6 other bouncers. They were all new to the venue and so was I, so we were all 2 hours early. So we just all hung out for 2 hours. At 9pm they were all...
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8 hour shift at the club with a 5 pound camera on my right hand..... got there at 7pm with 6 other bouncers. They were all new to the venue and so was I, so we were all 2 hours early. So we just all hung out for 2 hours. At 9pm they were all...
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Just saw your work, really great pictures!
That sounds like a pretty irritating night you had there. Maybe you should've used your super hero powers - you could've stopped the fight and flown home
But I guess if you're a hero like Kick Ass, that may have been more difficult.

But I guess if you're a hero like Kick Ass, that may have been more difficult.

Been really sick the past few days in Ottawa, and now that I've returned to Toronto I'll be more active on SG again. Since I have a real PC and internet now. yay. Still really sick...might get better before I'm really active again. haha.
Hope you feel better soon dude.
Merry Xmas mother f***kers!!
haha. It's 12:11pm in Toronto, Canada. I'm hear in my living room sofa alone sipping some wine. The family is asleep and Xmas of 2010 just began.
In just as I thought to myself "so this is how i start my 2010 xmas. I remebered a few people and i msged them"
On my black berry messanger was my group conversation...
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haha. It's 12:11pm in Toronto, Canada. I'm hear in my living room sofa alone sipping some wine. The family is asleep and Xmas of 2010 just began.
In just as I thought to myself "so this is how i start my 2010 xmas. I remebered a few people and i msged them"
On my black berry messanger was my group conversation...
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happy christmas!!!!
So last night I got together with my highschool best friends I haven't gotten to see in awhile. several months I would say. We need up as much as possible but diffrent cities make it hard.
So we got together and had dinner, it was great. Of course it's not one of those "ohhh how have you been, i haven't talk to you in so...
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So we got together and had dinner, it was great. Of course it's not one of those "ohhh how have you been, i haven't talk to you in so...
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I had a get together of friends but it was for someone's birthday. Always good times.
Currently in Ottawa! yay. Xmas and family stuff as usual. Haha. Nothing crazy happen yet. Hopefully a small meteorite hits me soon though, and gives me the power to fly. That'd be sweet. I'll tell you when it happends.
Recently watched a movie called "defendor" it was a pretty slow movie but a great movie non the less, makes you think about alot of things....
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Recently watched a movie called "defendor" it was a pretty slow movie but a great movie non the less, makes you think about alot of things....
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i loved that movie.
so different than what i expected, but very good nonetheless.

Thanks man, I really appreciate.
i dont believe it. 

sounds like a blast!

I had 2 models shedualed in today at the studio for 2 glamour shoots. !st one called me in the morning saying she had a sore throat and said she could come but was feeling really shitty.
Thing about models int he industry is that they are like school kids. They make up BS excuses all the time to skip class (Lets not get into...
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Thing about models int he industry is that they are like school kids. They make up BS excuses all the time to skip class (Lets not get into...
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awww :\