Cretins have stole my name, and it affects me very deeply. I will now be known as Jah1, if anyone really cares. I think this new emergence sucks horribly.
I will be moving to Ballard in a month, and I will be living on my own, with my dog, of course. I am really looking forward to this, and to be living in the city again will be great. I can only handle the suburbs for so long, before all the driving and insane traffic in the Puget Sound region starts driving me bat-shit crazy.
So, I've caught the Harry Potter bug, and my nose has been in buried in the series recently. Mostly, I started reading because it's all the siblings would talk about, and the people at work, too. They said that I was a muggle. I wondered what the fuck was that. Besides being so silly, I think the story is great. Fun reading, and good lessons for the kids. Hagrid is probably my favorite character, and if I was Harry, I would totally have a crush on Hermione.
Also been taking lots of photographs lately. Mostly landscapes, and architecture shots. Art is so much fun.
Let's play the question game. What is your favorite monster? Mine would have to be...
the cyclops.
I will be moving to Ballard in a month, and I will be living on my own, with my dog, of course. I am really looking forward to this, and to be living in the city again will be great. I can only handle the suburbs for so long, before all the driving and insane traffic in the Puget Sound region starts driving me bat-shit crazy.
So, I've caught the Harry Potter bug, and my nose has been in buried in the series recently. Mostly, I started reading because it's all the siblings would talk about, and the people at work, too. They said that I was a muggle. I wondered what the fuck was that. Besides being so silly, I think the story is great. Fun reading, and good lessons for the kids. Hagrid is probably my favorite character, and if I was Harry, I would totally have a crush on Hermione.
Also been taking lots of photographs lately. Mostly landscapes, and architecture shots. Art is so much fun.
Let's play the question game. What is your favorite monster? Mine would have to be...
I just left Seattle on Thursday. Enjoy your proximity to Archie McPhee, my friend.