okay now, my arms are heavy, like hey move in slow motion. and my head is heavy and leans off in to different diretions, all the while the screen moves off in different directions when you look at them. I don't know if I like it when the letters start moving around on their own. I need to tell them to stop moving. It would make it easier to type. But the more I type, the more words there are. What am I supposed to do? Do I keep typing or stop all together? If I stop know, then the stroy will never come out to a finish, but If I don't stop and keep writing then this might come to an ending that might end up making sense. If I can ger over the fact that the words are moving.
I wan to write a song, but I need some inspiration. are there any inspriations out there?
I wan to write a song, but I need some inspiration. are there any inspriations out there?