Just when I think that today couldn't get any better, SG puts up another SOPHIE set! Hooray!
I'm so bummed.
I have been seeing this girl for a month and a half now, and we've been really close. She's smart and beautiful and talented. She made me feel comfortable and finally at ease. But, knowing my life, it can't be. She leaves to go back to Florida on Thursday, and I don't know if I will see her again. Why does this...
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I have been seeing this girl for a month and a half now, and we've been really close. She's smart and beautiful and talented. She made me feel comfortable and finally at ease. But, knowing my life, it can't be. She leaves to go back to Florida on Thursday, and I don't know if I will see her again. Why does this...
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Why wouldn't you be able to see her again? That sucks.

Thanks for the set comment!

Wow, its been awhile since I have posted. I have been busy, busy, busy. I got an interesting email today. They are looking for volunteers to do an individual deployment in September. I volunteered, but my boss is fighting to keep me from going. I don't know why, because nobody else volunteered. I really want to get out of the US for awhile, enough that...
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Wow, did anybody see Anabel's new set? I know, dumb question. But it's an awesome set. Hit's home for me, because I work in the legal field. Check it out. Also, I got my new book in the mail today, "The 48 Laws of Power".
And here I am, thinking that today couldn't get any better. Then the SG gods above send me a Sophie set! How can life get better than that?
Oh my, another Quinne set! And here I was, thinking my day was going to be sucky. Work is slow today (I am on my lunch break), and I am sore. I worked my forearms and biceps yesterday and played racquetball this morning for an hour. Stairs are killer today.
Alright, time to update. I am currently in Portland, on leave from life in Arizona. My brother graduated yesterday, from high school. I'm so proud and stuff. We are going out on the town tonight. It should be fun. I also got in touch with my best friend. I hadn't seen him in a good long while, so it was refreshing to talk to him...
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Okay, tomorrow is the day. The dentist awaits me. I am going in to get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. They are going to be using IV Sedation to put me under. Now, mine you, I HATE needles. But I would rather have a needle in my arm than a needle in my mouth. And I wont be in much mood to...
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Happy Mother's Day to all the SuicideMoms out there!
Thank you!

Weekend Update
Well, it's been awhile since I posted anything new on this here blog thingy. I had an interesting weekend. On Friday, I went out with the guys and got drunk. And I dance a little bit too. I tend to dance when I drink. Got to work off the calories. Or something.
On Saturday, I went to a toga party. I felt weird...
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Well, it's been awhile since I posted anything new on this here blog thingy. I had an interesting weekend. On Friday, I went out with the guys and got drunk. And I dance a little bit too. I tend to dance when I drink. Got to work off the calories. Or something.
On Saturday, I went to a toga party. I felt weird...
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Thank you for your comment on my set!