psssst! do you wanna know what i hate?
texas liquor store hours and the Twin Liquors down my street.
First off the no-alcohol-on-sunday-morning-cuz-jesus-would-weep bullshit is BULLSHIT.
And secondly, the owner of that twin liquors decides to close his store anytime during the day! I have no designated hours! im family owned! kiss my ass you facist filth. its totally unamerican . along with our constitutional rights, our freedom to drink Wild Turkey anytime and anywhere is compromised.
ppppPppppss, anyways, enough of my alcoholik rant.
ps: i need to change that faggety profile pic. my skin looks so sephora smooth and delicate lips like a eastern block hooker.and my eyes like wild eyed lolita ... man, i wanna fuck my mouth in that pic.
texas liquor store hours and the Twin Liquors down my street.
First off the no-alcohol-on-sunday-morning-cuz-jesus-would-weep bullshit is BULLSHIT.
And secondly, the owner of that twin liquors decides to close his store anytime during the day! I have no designated hours! im family owned! kiss my ass you facist filth. its totally unamerican . along with our constitutional rights, our freedom to drink Wild Turkey anytime and anywhere is compromised.
ppppPppppss, anyways, enough of my alcoholik rant.
ps: i need to change that faggety profile pic. my skin looks so sephora smooth and delicate lips like a eastern block hooker.and my eyes like wild eyed lolita ... man, i wanna fuck my mouth in that pic.
I wish it was 85 degrees here, but it's a lot warmer than it was, about 65 or something. Hehe, that face is pretty fuckable