Is full of cookies but the lid is on.
You can see the cookies. You may not notice the cookies or you may choose to ignore the cookies..
You may look at the cookies and wonder how they would taste.
You can take the lid off the cookie jar.
You may want to take a cookie out.
You may reach in to take a cookie but hold back when you have nearly reached one.
You may take a cookie and hold it.
You may take a bite or two from the cookie.
You may decide to eat all the cookie.
You may choose to take more cookies.
You may leave the lid off the cookie jar.
You may put the lid back on the cookie jar.
You may invite someone else to try a cookie.
You may say the other person should think carefully before reaching for or taking a cookie.
You may forbid the other person to look at, take, or eat a cookie.
You may close the cookie jar and put it away for a while, for a long time, forever…