Supposed to be researching for my job interview on Thursday but can't seem to concentrate. So instead I'm listening to Dream Theater and thinking back over a bizarre day which involved a boss I've never spoken to before offering to pull strings to get me promoted and relocated...
...the only problem being it'd be less money than the aforementioned job interview, and I'd be staying in catering rather than moving into the systems/IT directorate. The fact that this offer came after I'd finished presenting a system and explaining how I planned to work in IT for a few years, get some money together then hit the freelance photography trail, made it all the more peculiar.
On the plus side, I'd be staying with a pretty decent company with a clear career path, rather than upping sticks and working for a shitty bank that took my bailout taxes and gave them to their Chief Exec. In LEEDS.
And then there's IBM. Got a final interview with them, and it'd be a cracking job to get, but it's all the way down in Winchester. All complicated by my gorgeous girlfriend and her little'un, who can't exactly just hop in the car and come with me.
My head hurts, so I shall conclude with a few photos and a little Mario:
The girlfriend:

The little'un:

Some snow:

A little Mario:

...the only problem being it'd be less money than the aforementioned job interview, and I'd be staying in catering rather than moving into the systems/IT directorate. The fact that this offer came after I'd finished presenting a system and explaining how I planned to work in IT for a few years, get some money together then hit the freelance photography trail, made it all the more peculiar.
On the plus side, I'd be staying with a pretty decent company with a clear career path, rather than upping sticks and working for a shitty bank that took my bailout taxes and gave them to their Chief Exec. In LEEDS.

And then there's IBM. Got a final interview with them, and it'd be a cracking job to get, but it's all the way down in Winchester. All complicated by my gorgeous girlfriend and her little'un, who can't exactly just hop in the car and come with me.
My head hurts, so I shall conclude with a few photos and a little Mario:
The girlfriend:

The little'un:

Some snow:

A little Mario: