Well, as usual, my emotions have been flying from one end of the scale to the other.

Women seem to be playing a big part in my life. Some make me smile, some make me want to die, some make me feel glad i'm still alive, some seem to enjoy watching me fall to pieces because in some strange way, i still have feelings for...
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I know it's been a while, but, as only two people ever read this, and i'm one of them, and i've been a wee bit busy, i have a small update to follow:

I owe Calixte BIG happy birthday wishes....
truly sorry i missed it! i'm useless, i know, but someday, i'll make it up to you!

i'm now jobless! wahoo! imagine workin 14hours a...
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ok......i've been MIA for a while.........what's new i hear you ask...............well...........i'm depressed, down-trodden, fed up and thoroughly f'ed off................other than that, i think the only thing left to say wud b:


I miss the feeling of having someone to hold when i'm down, I miss having someone to talk to about the little things, I miss the cuddles, I miss the...
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I read it.... It will get better, and the only reason I say that is because I've been there. Somedays I am there. Seeing the ex sucks, I see mine and I still break down and cry for hours after, but I'm one of those weird people who totrue themselves by being with someone even tho it hurts jsut becuase being in the room with them is better than being without them. Drinking won't solve it. Infact I stay far away from alcohol. One because it agracates my IBS and two because it makes you depressed and hung over... you don't need that love. I miss the cuddles too, the late night talks lying in bed just being close to one another, being loved and loving in return is something to be cherished.

I hope that your day today is better than you hoped it would be.

And hey, come on the site a little more, scope out some journals and get some more friends... trust me, there are some totally awesome amazing peoples on this site... Then come to Canada, bet its all that rain that isn't helping your mood.

frown smile
Dammit if only my Mini was in one piece! What i wudn't give for a spot of high speed thrashin!!

Is it just me, or do you have to be a technologically retarded tit to work in an office these days??? I met the biggest c*ck of em all today! He'd sat there for the past week and a half, watchin these error messages flash...
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You're welcome. smile

Sleep is good. Always. But then don't take too much advice from me, I am a procrastinator of the higest quality.
well........happy new year one and all!

i went to see march of the penguins tonite with a groovy canadian chick! she flew all the way to the uk to spend christmas with a less than appreciative guy she was seeing. how f"cked up is that! still, we've spent loads of time chattin and bein groovy n stuff (partially hence the lack of updates) n she's...
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Happy Birthday! blush
why is it, just when you think things are starting to look up, something happens that makes you want to just curl up and die?

I'm reliably informed by one of the few people i can still call a friend, that i never used to be like this. i was the calm, laid back, sensitive, quiet and slightly shy one. apparently i've turned into the...
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Is nothing in life simple?

i guess not.

i'm still lost, within myself, kicking, screaming, trying to find a part of me that doesn't miss that one special someone...........

Why do i still feel like this?

is this what love really is? a hollow empty pit within our very being?

some days i just drive along the road, hand on throttle, thinking, what if...............what if...
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...I'm not the one you want to be missing you - I know that, but I would miss you...

Hmmm...............do i ever update................


am i here for the cute gurls..................DEFINATELY!!

I was away for a while due to a lack of time and money, but here i be, back again, and here to stay for at least a year!

so.....an update on my life......

the whole younger girl issue is not so much issue anymore.......we're just good friends!

i've had a girlfriend issue...
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An honest guy, what a refreshing change. smile Glad that you are getting it all back together. I've been through shit like that too, and it always surpirses me how long it actually takes to "get over it".
Is it just me? Is a six year age difference a major thing?

I really like a friend of mine but she's only sixteen (nearly seventeen) and i'm twenty-two. Is this a problem or am i just creating a problem to safeguard myself against losing a friend if it all goes tits up.

so many thoughts, so little time to care!


True enough, but I need to study or I shall not pass. lol
Tell me, do you ever think about posting or are you just on the site for the pretty girls? wink
Mental note to all:

When you have a semi-healed knee, don't repeatedly twat it into every single solid, non-moving, pointy object in site! you will do damage and bleed!

i start a new job today, yay me! i finally get away from my asshole of a boss after 4 years. i've lost count of the arguements we had.

anywho, i hear my bed calling as...
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