Mental note for all:

Avoid Riding Motorbikes on christmas eve! people in cars just don't look and cause major pain!

Oh well, it was only a leg, i still have one perfectly good one left!

hope other peeps had a better time than I.

bye all.......................
happy birthday!
xo annabelle
What do you do when someone special enters your life, but, no matter how hard you try, they walk straight past without even noticing you.

sometimes i feel like banging my head against a brick wall until i bleed to death..............

ffs...........i give up..............
how awesome can a weekend be???

not only did i see some 'kin excellent bands........

but i caught the suicidegirls show...live.....at reading festival!!!!!!!

You girls rock!!!!!!!!!!!! wot a show!!!!!!!!

picks will follow, but i'm not sure how good they will be cos it was a bit packed in that minute tent!

B Cool peeps

J. smile
why is it that cats love making your life hell????

I wouldn't mind but the cat in question isn't even mine!!!!!

oh well....it's only money........

another 125 for my bank manager to moan about!!

and why is it still so bloody hot.. i give up

night peeps

why is it that england can't do a mildly warm, sunny day?

Why do we have such ridiculously hot days ( 4 per year!!) and the rest of the time it's so crappy?

just seen the new marie set........ smile smile smile she's hot!!

oh well....that's enuff ranting about the weather.............i'm off for a cold shower!

bye peeps