Today was...interesting...
Had a lot of good and bad.
Revelations about stuff.
and stuff happened.
and I missed out on a bunch of stuff.
And am trying to close all the bad ends that I have, but am having a hard time doing so...
but the ones I covered were fine...
Still wierd with no hair.
I'll walk down the street and catch the ghost...
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Had a lot of good and bad.
Revelations about stuff.
and stuff happened.
and I missed out on a bunch of stuff.
And am trying to close all the bad ends that I have, but am having a hard time doing so...
but the ones I covered were fine...
Still wierd with no hair.
I'll walk down the street and catch the ghost...
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Hello, I have been busy lately...
I got a cold or something.
And the hair is gone, donated to charity.
It's really wierd not having all that hair...
Both good and bad, I'm not really minding not having to pull hair out of my mouth whenever the wind blows...
But, yeah...
Oh, and no one recognizes me anymore...
Kinda wierd...
I got a cold or something.
And the hair is gone, donated to charity.
It's really wierd not having all that hair...
Both good and bad, I'm not really minding not having to pull hair out of my mouth whenever the wind blows...
But, yeah...
Oh, and no one recognizes me anymore...
Kinda wierd...
I think I overdid it yesterday...muscles in agony right now...
and I don't think that it was purely working 9 hours this morning after 3 hours of sleep...
I hate opening the goddamn store...
and I don't think that it was purely working 9 hours this morning after 3 hours of sleep...
I hate opening the goddamn store...

don't know why...
had something to put on, but cannot remember what...
God, what the hell am I going to do through basic? I am quite possibly the horniest man alive...
that is not what I wanted to say, still can't remember that...
don't know why...
had something to put on, but cannot remember what...
God, what the hell am I going to do through basic? I am quite possibly the horniest man alive...
that is not what I wanted to say, still can't remember that...
Did not get high as a kite...
Did not want to...
I know I can pass the physical now, but will keep up with the situps and pushups each day.
I can see more and more def. in my abs.
Not that I didn't have any before, but there was this little layer of fat over them, and now they are starting to come out......
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Did not want to...
I know I can pass the physical now, but will keep up with the situps and pushups each day.
I can see more and more def. in my abs.
Not that I didn't have any before, but there was this little layer of fat over them, and now they are starting to come out......
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Thanks to cureelise for the comment on my hair, I really do a lot of work to keep it all cool and whatnot, and I really appreciate it when I get praise and whatnot for it
Second, today rocked. Work wasn't bad, except for one asshole who wanted gas after I closed the place and called me an asshole for not reopening the store,...
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Second, today rocked. Work wasn't bad, except for one asshole who wanted gas after I closed the place and called me an asshole for not reopening the store,...
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Okay, after last week, I needed a good long week of r&r, and so far my week has been fucking nonstop. I am depressed. I would like someone to say, "look, an old friend died, and you are scared to shit because you just signed the next five years of your life away, and may possibly die horribly and be listed as missing in action,...
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and you are scared to shit because you just signed the next five years of your life away, and may possibly die horribly and be listed as missing in action
please tell me that u didn't sign your life away
that would mean having to cut off your hair and u have really nice hair - um *looks down at feet * can I play with it.

As promised, here is the first pic.
Will probably post pics of my car later (both before and after brushing the snow off, for full effect)
Will probably post pics of my car later (both before and after brushing the snow off, for full effect)
First snow today!!!
First snow today!!!

My comp just died.
Poor, poor, God in a Box...
How I loved you so...
Yeah, I started it up earlier and windows crashed about 6 times.
When I finally managed to get it to go into safe mode, I was greeted by one sound over the speakers after the screen went black:
"system failure"
So, until a time whence I can get my comp...
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Poor, poor, God in a Box...
How I loved you so...

Yeah, I started it up earlier and windows crashed about 6 times.
When I finally managed to get it to go into safe mode, I was greeted by one sound over the speakers after the screen went black:
"system failure"
So, until a time whence I can get my comp...
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Amen brother! I hate my Dell. It makes me get this face
on a daily basis