I'm, uuuuh, not doing anything.
Don't mind me... shocked
I'm back from the abyss, and feeling pretty good for once today.
Still worried about a lot of shit, but that is nothing new.
I love winter in Buffalo.
Everything gets dark at like 5, and I envelop myself in it. It's heaven to me. Especially after it starts snowing. I know a lot of people complain about having to shovel 2 feet of snow,...
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I am tired as hell.
I officially hate working on party days.
Fellas, if you are out partying, don't fucking piss all over public restroom walls or puke all over the floors.
Someone else has to clean it up, and usually that person is pissed off enough about it to kill you.
I am feeling better.
Still have a lot of paperwork.
and why do I have to put my ssn at the bottom of each page of it, isn't once enough?
Anyways, freaked out as this stuff is extremely important to my future, and, well, found out some stuff that may hinder it, but later was reassured that there isn't a problem.
I won't talk...
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I have a lot of paperwork to fill out.
Need to find a lot of info out.
I just decided to take off the dating thing. Fuck it. Not like anyone is interested, and anyone who is I can't fucking talk to them like a normal person anyways...
It's been much better since my last entry.
And then today hit.
I'm not sure if it was the torrential rain or what, but I have been dwelling on and thinking about shit. Which is not good. Cuz when I get depressed, if I move on and forget about shit, it goes away. But when I dwell on it, said depression turns to anger....
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I have had better weeks.
I've been horribly depressed all week, and all that.
I have this wierd thing that no matter how depressed I get, I have to shove it all aside and pretend like I am content, and it kills me, then comes out in short, erratic, and, unfortunately, self-destructive bursts. Despite all that, I managed to come through, and decided to...
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Yesterday I shaved my legs.
No small task.
First time, as well.
now I have razor burn on the back of both knees.
First time to have razor burn.
So now I am chilling between classes eating some szechuan chicken, or however it's spelled. Spicy food rocks.
today was interesting,
I decided to shave "my junk."
but forgot to trim first.
itchy danger area all day long.
didn't even manage most of it...
ah, well, I will try later...today...
(I just realised I am typing this at 12:41 am)
today didn't go so well...
don't wanna get into it...
you ever have one of those days where you wake up and say "Oh fuck..."
although I can pack a cig now.
This day calls for a lot of alcohol.
Unfortunately, I have none.
Wanna post something.
Really do.
Just feel really shitty, too shitty to put something up.
So I post this as a testament to my...fuck, I don't know how to describe this...
I feel like crap putting random bad shit out there.
Like a loser who doesn't realize his life isn't all that bad.
I know that there are a lot of people who have...
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