So, who wants to be my Valentine? And why should I pick you? 
I don't understand why people get upset if they are single on Valentine's Day. It's just another day, ladies n gents n all those in between. It's a great day to indulge yourself a little-- use any excuse, right?
I'm getting up and taking the dog for a run and then coming back to do my usual yoga-pilates-thing. Sanity.
I'm making vegan chocolate chip scones for breakfast (unless I decide I want raisin toast, which seems really boring but I don't care because I really, really love it) with a giant cup of tea.
I'm organizing the calendar for work and updating everything so I'm stress free.
I'm buying myself a month subscription to watch the Crash Pad Series (Valentine's gift to myself last year, too). Hooray for hot queer porn!
At lunch time, I might decide to make stellar coconut-dark chocolate truffles. Sometimes I put whiskey in them. I will gift them to pretty much anyone I see for the rest of the week.
I will text my single and self-pitying friends so they know I love them.
I have a major deadline on Wednesday for a city guide I've been writing, so I'll hopefully curl up with my sweet kitty cat and do all my last minute edits.
Depending on how schedules work out, I may drink vodka, watch queer porn, and have sex with the very attractive gender-non-conforming-individual (PC much?) with whom I have often been having sex. If schedules do not work out, that's ok, because I will just make myself an awesome dinner and start reading a new book and listen to records. Or I'll go out to a bar and keep a lonely stranger company (not in a sexytime way), because it might really make someone's night to have someone cheerful chat with them.
Yea, so that is whattttt's up. And you?

I don't understand why people get upset if they are single on Valentine's Day. It's just another day, ladies n gents n all those in between. It's a great day to indulge yourself a little-- use any excuse, right?

I'm getting up and taking the dog for a run and then coming back to do my usual yoga-pilates-thing. Sanity.
I'm making vegan chocolate chip scones for breakfast (unless I decide I want raisin toast, which seems really boring but I don't care because I really, really love it) with a giant cup of tea.
I'm organizing the calendar for work and updating everything so I'm stress free.
I'm buying myself a month subscription to watch the Crash Pad Series (Valentine's gift to myself last year, too). Hooray for hot queer porn!
At lunch time, I might decide to make stellar coconut-dark chocolate truffles. Sometimes I put whiskey in them. I will gift them to pretty much anyone I see for the rest of the week.
I will text my single and self-pitying friends so they know I love them.
I have a major deadline on Wednesday for a city guide I've been writing, so I'll hopefully curl up with my sweet kitty cat and do all my last minute edits.
Depending on how schedules work out, I may drink vodka, watch queer porn, and have sex with the very attractive gender-non-conforming-individual (PC much?) with whom I have often been having sex. If schedules do not work out, that's ok, because I will just make myself an awesome dinner and start reading a new book and listen to records. Or I'll go out to a bar and keep a lonely stranger company (not in a sexytime way), because it might really make someone's night to have someone cheerful chat with them.
Yea, so that is whattttt's up. And you?
have a nice day sweet beauty queen