Bye bye, Daughter of Neptune. We had a good run, but your time is up. (In other words: I just deleted a member review set). Sunday Morning Coming Down is next, but probably not today.
In other news, I'm bit-by-bit writing again. Somewhat traumatized by the loss of everything ever on my fucking hard drive a few months ago.
Not a very interesting blog, indeed. Recommend me some music to download?
Almost a dozen songs that stuck with me through 2011. Don't read into it too much, it's probably not what you think
King Charles "Lovelust"
Bon Iver "Flume"
Jim Bianco "To Hell with the Devil"
The Shivers "Beauty"
Tegan and Sara "Are you 10 Years Ago"
The Mockers "C'mon Over to My Side"
Fabienne Delsol "I'm Gonna Haunt You"
Emiliana Torrini "Ha Ha"
Litle Grey Girlfriend "Shock Value"
Lucas Silveira's cover of "I'm Your Man"
Sleater Kinney "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone"
A dozen tracks on the current listening list...:
16 Horsepower "Scrawled in Sap"
Devotchka "Viens Avec Moi"
Cadallaca "The Trouble With Public Places"
Rilo Kiley "The Monkeymaker"
Curtis Eller's American Circus "Sugar for the Horses"
Eleni Mandell "My Twin"
Rae Spoon "Love is a Hunter"
Kaki King "I Think She Knows"
Holly Golightly "Second Place"
Hunter Valentine "Revenge"
The Jealous Girlfriends "Organs on the Kitchen Floor"
The Cliks "Soul Back Driver"
In other news, I'm bit-by-bit writing again. Somewhat traumatized by the loss of everything ever on my fucking hard drive a few months ago.
Not a very interesting blog, indeed. Recommend me some music to download?
Almost a dozen songs that stuck with me through 2011. Don't read into it too much, it's probably not what you think

King Charles "Lovelust"
Bon Iver "Flume"
Jim Bianco "To Hell with the Devil"
The Shivers "Beauty"
Tegan and Sara "Are you 10 Years Ago"
The Mockers "C'mon Over to My Side"
Fabienne Delsol "I'm Gonna Haunt You"
Emiliana Torrini "Ha Ha"
Litle Grey Girlfriend "Shock Value"
Lucas Silveira's cover of "I'm Your Man"
Sleater Kinney "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone"
A dozen tracks on the current listening list...:
16 Horsepower "Scrawled in Sap"
Devotchka "Viens Avec Moi"
Cadallaca "The Trouble With Public Places"
Rilo Kiley "The Monkeymaker"
Curtis Eller's American Circus "Sugar for the Horses"
Eleni Mandell "My Twin"
Rae Spoon "Love is a Hunter"
Kaki King "I Think She Knows"
Holly Golightly "Second Place"
Hunter Valentine "Revenge"
The Jealous Girlfriends "Organs on the Kitchen Floor"
The Cliks "Soul Back Driver"
C'est la vie, I guess.
Hope your new year is full of happy moments!!!
and i caught the show in san diego and it was awesome as well.
maybe you know this guy?
thats my #1 disc from 2011. love it beyond words.