I had an awesome day today. Took my girl to the beach where it was very warm Teasha had the best time. she was hassling a grumpy little dog, which was very funny. When she runs at the beach she looks like she's insane.
At a market today I ordered her christmas present it'll be a white studded leather collar I'll pick it up in 2 weeks when I get it I'll post pics.
I went to maccas and OMFG guess what, the burger actually looked liked the one in the picture
A friend mentioned it's like I have a new life now and I feel like it does, since I got accepted into the course I feel like I have a sense of direction.
That's about it hope you are all awesomely awesome
At a market today I ordered her christmas present it'll be a white studded leather collar I'll pick it up in 2 weeks when I get it I'll post pics.
I went to maccas and OMFG guess what, the burger actually looked liked the one in the picture

A friend mentioned it's like I have a new life now and I feel like it does, since I got accepted into the course I feel like I have a sense of direction.
That's about it hope you are all awesomely awesome
I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.
