OK so my last blog needs some explainin, Y'see I applied for a course in community welfare at Swinburne Tafe , I put in an amazing effort into my application. They said I would hear about whether or not I got in on Friday 21st, so friday comes and goes, nothing. I had a really anxious weekend, monday morning I email the woman responsible for my course and called her to no avail. By Monday evening I'm assuming the Tafe thinks I'm a loser and I'm feeling pretty low. So I'm being consoled by the beautiful velvetfaerie and then at 10pm I get an email saying Congratulations you've been accepted so I'm like woooooh Fuck yeah as I was in a very happy mood. Apparently I should have received an acception letter
. I have the worst post man ever I'm always gettin weird addresses in my mail box. I think he needs his face cheese grated. Any hoo I'm enrolling tomorrow morning. So now it starts my long road to becoming a social worker with super powers starts, it'll be a nice journey if you hold my hand
Pretty boring blog so here's pics

and lastly this one is for you Tattooed MuM

Pretty boring blog so here's pics

and lastly this one is for you Tattooed MuM

Okay what you up to tonight?
I'll text ya when I get me shit together!
I don't think your post is boring at all. I tend to post some pretty sad things about what's been going on in my life lately, (not so much in my current post, however). I can imagine how hard some of those posts must be to read.