Tax is all gone... actually I've put half of it in a savings account for the drum kit. Payed rent and bills and got my hair chemically straightened (ooh I'm such a pretty boy) so I can't wet it for 5 days (4 now) will post pics of my new hair in next blog, it cost me a packet too, oh well being pretty is never cheap.
I applied for naxt year's course in Community Development at Swinburne Tafe Prahran campus so hopefully they call me in to be a part of the group interrview because I believe I deserve a shot at studying next year. It's a full tiime course so if I get in I' be busy with school and work.
That's all for now might go grey soon but I'll be back in pink
I applied for naxt year's course in Community Development at Swinburne Tafe Prahran campus so hopefully they call me in to be a part of the group interrview because I believe I deserve a shot at studying next year. It's a full tiime course so if I get in I' be busy with school and work.
That's all for now might go grey soon but I'll be back in pink

You'll have to post a picture when you can!
PS> I'm happy to hear you are working on applying for the course at another school...and I just know it's gonna work out for you this time! *crosses fingers and toes*
The pooing scene was the funniest.
I'm Not Dead has to be my favourite album to date. The new one is growing on me. I love a few of the songs.