OK I was supposed to do this last night sorry I got caught up with heavy metal and stuff. So what the hell SGers beat me hate me cut me rape me just make sure you do it with a smile
Had an interesting conversation about abba's music today. No band has made me run for sanctuary of extreme death metal more than abba . Their music thrives on happiness and love, when I'm surrounded by people who are happy and in love. Like the people in Mamma Mia . I feel nothing but anxiety which is the fuel for my anger and hate
What it comes down to is I have Three loves in my life my mum, my dog and heavy metal
I'm going to be asking a real life girl out for coffee soon. She's a petite brunette named Aska. I can do it that way or chuck Morn1ngs74r's undies on my head and shove my tongue down her throat and hope for the best. What you think'll work.
Slipknot album is so/so
My hair is getting longer and I have a nice 'chin' goatee which is yay I'm growing it the goatee for meshuggah gig
If I'm lucky I might be able to start wearing black nail polish at work
Ok I promised photos of graffiti
so here ya go
ENJOY (click the spoiler d'uh)

Had an interesting conversation about abba's music today. No band has made me run for sanctuary of extreme death metal more than abba . Their music thrives on happiness and love, when I'm surrounded by people who are happy and in love. Like the people in Mamma Mia . I feel nothing but anxiety which is the fuel for my anger and hate
What it comes down to is I have Three loves in my life my mum, my dog and heavy metal
I'm going to be asking a real life girl out for coffee soon. She's a petite brunette named Aska. I can do it that way or chuck Morn1ngs74r's undies on my head and shove my tongue down her throat and hope for the best. What you think'll work.
Slipknot album is so/so
My hair is getting longer and I have a nice 'chin' goatee which is yay I'm growing it the goatee for meshuggah gig
If I'm lucky I might be able to start wearing black nail polish at work
Ok I promised photos of graffiti
so here ya go
ENJOY (click the spoiler d'uh)
Guesss whhhooo''ssss bbaaackkkk
lots of love and kisses!!