Hellooooooooo Possums
I'm feeling lazy so I'll just point form some crap
'd on my bed today. She was good though as I was lying next to her and she gave me enough notice roll out of the way.
A question
if fart you do and it goes PBRRRPBRRRPBRPBR..(short pause)PBRRRPBRRRPBRPBR.(short pause).PBRRRPBRRR is that one or three
Saw the incredible hulk my thoughts are BIG GREEN THUMB DOWN, eddie norton sux as bruce banner, Long live ERIC BANA.
I'm v. randy these days
Still organizing that big blog, Just been working alot. and I'm running low on energy these days
working tmrw nite
preview pics of my big blog coming soon
ciao bellas (oh my god i can't believe I just said that )

I'm feeling lazy so I'll just point form some crap

A question
if fart you do and it goes PBRRRPBRRRPBRPBR..(short pause)PBRRRPBRRRPBRPBR.(short pause).PBRRRPBRRR is that one or three
Saw the incredible hulk my thoughts are BIG GREEN THUMB DOWN, eddie norton sux as bruce banner, Long live ERIC BANA.
I'm v. randy these days

Still organizing that big blog, Just been working alot. and I'm running low on energy these days
working tmrw nite

preview pics of my big blog coming soon
ciao bellas (oh my god i can't believe I just said that )
Heya love!!
anything yet?? I'm curious to see how long it will take to get to you