Am planning on doing a huge photo blog about st.kilda starring me , teasha, teasha's dog friends, their owner my hairdresser , my local pub , Morn1ngs74r will be in it (hopefully) aalso if we ask him nicely he may invite us to his house, just maybe
Teasha said she wanted to do a set and dedicate to Brutus and Peanut but I explained that the evil SG Staff will discriminate because she is a dog T just said " ah well fuck 'em" (True story) So T and took some 'dog set' shots for Brutus, Peanut oh and Nacho. they're at the end
Controversial spoiler time
Any cut my finger cleaning the kiTCHEN TONIGHT
I talked to a career counsellor and it turn out being a disability support worker would be a bit too much for me so the plan now is to study certificate IV in community work change jobs and then study to be a social worker.
I'm so excited about Lelaina and Boombambi coming to melbourne Just want the other brisbanites to come down
Any hoo pictures speak 1000 words so here'S a few phone books
the cut finger
Dah I have THE worst morning hair ever
Teasha's set has been spoilered due to puppy hotness
HOW are you all
we'll talk soon eh'
Yes, the CD just showed up a couple of days ago! I posted a message on my avatar line, and meant to stop by and let you know, but it's kind of been a bad week for me. Our son decided he didn't want to live with us anymore, and moved out at the grand ole' age of 16. I'm pretty heartbroken...and just haven't been myself as a result. Mostly just spending my spare time by myself quietly, and since Flashmo is out of town again for two weeks I have alot of it to spend quietly!
I just think you are the sweetest guy ever! I hope you find your lady friend, because a great guy like you deserves to be adored by one. I really do appreciate what you did with the was very thoughtful. You will be having a little something showing up in your mailbox soon as well, so keep an eye out for it, K?
PS> Teasha's set is UBER hot!! I have one for you to show her:
Here's a little boy dog porn for her...his name is Flash