Ok so the flu caught up with me
I had a wheatgrass shot today and will have 1 tmrw (sorry I couln't be bothered spelling tomorrow,) and a warm calamari salad for lunch which was scrump-diddly-umpscious .
At the moment I'm thiinking aboout changing jobs at the end of next next year or when ever is good. I want a job in retail (sellinng cameras)I'm promising myself to do the february digital photography course at the Melbourne Camera Club.
I've been working at the cinema too long. How long? i hear you ask. 9 fucking years
I saw RESIDENT EVIL 3 today, it was good. It has been so long since since I saw a good horror flick at the moofies. Can't wait for 30 DAYS OF NIGHT and GABRIEL.
I'm also having an incredible urge to suck on nipples
That was a bit random wasn't it but hey, I'm a random person
Oop I just got paid
It'll all go on bills
Speaking of which (I don't know why) I changed all the globes in my flat so I'm burn less electricity. yay
I puchased Friskey's pics to help her with school stuff so soon I'll have her in my room with a message saying enjoy my boobs
Can't wait to go to queensland first stop Cairns where I'll be doing underwater photography. (Yes I will post them) Second stop Brisbane where I'll hopefully meet lots of fantastic SG members. Third stop Seaworld on the Gold Coast, hopefully some members will join me. It would be so funny if we all just ran amuck at Seaworld.4th stop....there is no 4th stop 4th stop is home.
Any hoo I nneed lollies bye
At the moment I'm thiinking aboout changing jobs at the end of next next year or when ever is good. I want a job in retail (sellinng cameras)I'm promising myself to do the february digital photography course at the Melbourne Camera Club.
I've been working at the cinema too long. How long? i hear you ask. 9 fucking years
I saw RESIDENT EVIL 3 today, it was good. It has been so long since since I saw a good horror flick at the moofies. Can't wait for 30 DAYS OF NIGHT and GABRIEL.
I'm also having an incredible urge to suck on nipples
Oop I just got paid
Speaking of which (I don't know why) I changed all the globes in my flat so I'm burn less electricity. yay
I puchased Friskey's pics to help her with school stuff so soon I'll have her in my room with a message saying enjoy my boobs
Can't wait to go to queensland first stop Cairns where I'll be doing underwater photography. (Yes I will post them) Second stop Brisbane where I'll hopefully meet lots of fantastic SG members. Third stop Seaworld on the Gold Coast, hopefully some members will join me. It would be so funny if we all just ran amuck at Seaworld.4th stop....there is no 4th stop 4th stop is home.
Any hoo I nneed lollies bye
WOW 9 years. I can't imagine doing anything for 9 years. That's very dedicated.
Cinema is much more interesting than digital photography IMHO.