Well another lonely Saturday night. I just woke up from a 3 hour sleep where I had the most fucked up dream. I'll ta;k about it another time, It was terible. It picked at my phobias and bad memories.
But enough of that shit, time for happy shit
It is my niece's 4th Birthday on Monday, Her name is Maya

So I got her these presents
oops i forgot to rotate the image
the dvd
the dvd
I also got her a pack of tim-tams and a purple mask with feathers and a ribbon on it (it's not for everyday) she loves masks. Allu up over $100 dollars spent. I do this coz she's my only niece. ((spoilt little bitch doesn't even like me)
The party is tomorrow and I swear to god if get any shit from my sister , my dad or his wife I'm so gonna go mental.
Anyway stay tuned to Channel Jaebin I will report

But enough of that shit, time for happy shit

It is my niece's 4th Birthday on Monday, Her name is Maya

So I got her these presents

I also got her a pack of tim-tams and a purple mask with feathers and a ribbon on it (it's not for everyday) she loves masks. Allu up over $100 dollars spent. I do this coz she's my only niece. ((spoilt little bitch doesn't even like me)
The party is tomorrow and I swear to god if get any shit from my sister , my dad or his wife I'm so gonna go mental.
Anyway stay tuned to Channel Jaebin I will report

Your neice looks like a sweetheart