First I was on a pirate ship with drag queens and for some reason they were trying to escape somewhere and when when one skirt was Lifted to reveal they were actually women, all hell broke loose. (y'know that old saying a chick on a boat is bad luck) very weird

2nd dream (yes i was full of dream last night) I was carrying a box of vegetables to the supermarket ( yes that's right TO tthe supermmarket (???)) On my way a bunch of teenagers decided to rough me up, the first kid ran towards me and bowled me over,as I got up I thought to myself ok fighting time. The second kid was strong enough to pick me up and I put a figure 4 arm lock arrn and with a hard thud I took him to the ground. After this they ran away, there were 3 girls left so I clenched my fists preparing to fight on but they just walked away

Hmmm, odd dreams:
I might suggest that the first one represents your Anima (The female side all men have; and is responsible for a LOT). Maybe yours is showing up in a typically male way; although when it shows its true colors there are problems?
Dream 2: Not quiet sure. What would vegitables represent to you? I'd suggest something about fertility, but I coudl be wrong.
The Toughs could represent different parts of your unconcious which are currently causing you troubles.
The women? Your anima again. You're prepared to fight it off, but it refuses to engage you?
I've been having some screwed up dreams lately myself.