Everyday seems to be one kick in the ribs after another, I fucking hate life right now .
Any way what I hate most of all on this site is the fucking whingers, so I'll suck it up and take it on the chin
saw G.I JOE it was so ridiculous it was lots of fun there was cheesey acting over the top ninjas no boobs though and there should have been aaaand it seems I like I like farting in the cinema when I'm enjoying a cheesey film.
Teasha says woof
Any way what I hate most of all on this site is the fucking whingers, so I'll suck it up and take it on the chin
saw G.I JOE it was so ridiculous it was lots of fun there was cheesey acting over the top ninjas no boobs though and there should have been aaaand it seems I like I like farting in the cinema when I'm enjoying a cheesey film.
Teasha says woof
Farting in the cinema whooo!!!! Is it intense enough that u can light them on fire cause that would be awesome