1) im giving a second chance to domestic wines, specifically those from the north west.
2) my brothers internet girlfriend is coming to meet him tomorrow.
3) the household cat agility contest is tomorrow, but i will be at the baseball game, so my cats will not be able to compete.
3) my red fingernails are starting to chip and i think id like them to be pink
4) i took pearl on a bikeride / visit to my friends house yesterday, and it went really well.
5) my dad is so funny and i wish we spend more time together
6) we spent $200 on dinner tonight
7) my appendectimy scars still hurt
8) id really like to lost some weight by my 24th birthday, ive joined a gym and im trying to be motivated enough to get some results, so wish me luck i guess
9) i am excited to start my new bowling league
10) i wish i had some batteries for my camera so i could take some more pictures... i guess ill just have to wait, maybe by then i wont be such a fat ass.
sorry about the aching scars....and bowling rules!
At bowling, I'm awesome at making an ass of myself. But set up the duck pins, and look the fuck out.