Oh my goodness, my life is literally a soap opera.
I met this guy on Friday. His friend had already told me he had a girlfriend before I started talking to him, but he was good looking so I couldnt help myself. Unfortunately it turned out he was into science and intelligent and interesting... all of which are very atractive qualities to me so of course I was quite intruiged, and talked to him alot.
All this is fairly normal behaviour however on saturday morning he drove a long way to come and see me in an area he's never been to before and sat talking to me for 3 hrs.. this is not normal behaviour at all. He also told me a lot of things which you dont generally tell people on your seicnd meeting.
then today I got this email from him...
hi jade,
I know you must think i'm weird by now, but the way i've been acting is only because i really enjoyed the little time we've spent together, but at the same time i deservedly feel like vomiting 24 hrs a day. I think your stunning and even though i was ashamedly drunk, remember having a great time on fri night, even with the guilt looming. I wouldn't normally be such a dick but I just feel that things havn't been right for a while and with the Mrs moving to japan I'm just left feeling disspondent about it all. I don't expect you to care about any of this, as it doesn't help the situation but I just wanted to tell you how I feel about it all.
I know I hardly know you and vice versa but I havn't stopped thinking about you and that night since I last saw you. This has led to a serious lack of appetite, nausea and insomnea. Again this all serves me right.
I've got to do the right thing and give my current relationship a chance, which part of me feels like is a mistake, because a) i wouldn't be doing this if I was truely happy and b) i'm scared that I may have missed an opportunity to have a relationship with someone I find amazing (you).
This kind of thing isn't fair on anyone, so i think i need to just see you in my head as a friend for now, if you want that? If not and don't want to hear from me ever again I totally understand.
Again sorry for being a psycho and I know i keep contacting you when I'm not meant to be which i'll try and curtail, it just makes me excited to think about you. Any way i'm sorry about this drama, still, might have made your weekend a bit more interesting?
Take care chicken
Rich x
what on Earth does all that mean?? Do i have a chance or what?
help me boyos and girls! I'm crap at this kinda thing.
x x
I met this guy on Friday. His friend had already told me he had a girlfriend before I started talking to him, but he was good looking so I couldnt help myself. Unfortunately it turned out he was into science and intelligent and interesting... all of which are very atractive qualities to me so of course I was quite intruiged, and talked to him alot.
All this is fairly normal behaviour however on saturday morning he drove a long way to come and see me in an area he's never been to before and sat talking to me for 3 hrs.. this is not normal behaviour at all. He also told me a lot of things which you dont generally tell people on your seicnd meeting.
then today I got this email from him...
hi jade,
I know you must think i'm weird by now, but the way i've been acting is only because i really enjoyed the little time we've spent together, but at the same time i deservedly feel like vomiting 24 hrs a day. I think your stunning and even though i was ashamedly drunk, remember having a great time on fri night, even with the guilt looming. I wouldn't normally be such a dick but I just feel that things havn't been right for a while and with the Mrs moving to japan I'm just left feeling disspondent about it all. I don't expect you to care about any of this, as it doesn't help the situation but I just wanted to tell you how I feel about it all.
I know I hardly know you and vice versa but I havn't stopped thinking about you and that night since I last saw you. This has led to a serious lack of appetite, nausea and insomnea. Again this all serves me right.
I've got to do the right thing and give my current relationship a chance, which part of me feels like is a mistake, because a) i wouldn't be doing this if I was truely happy and b) i'm scared that I may have missed an opportunity to have a relationship with someone I find amazing (you).
This kind of thing isn't fair on anyone, so i think i need to just see you in my head as a friend for now, if you want that? If not and don't want to hear from me ever again I totally understand.
Again sorry for being a psycho and I know i keep contacting you when I'm not meant to be which i'll try and curtail, it just makes me excited to think about you. Any way i'm sorry about this drama, still, might have made your weekend a bit more interesting?
Take care chicken
Rich x
what on Earth does all that mean?? Do i have a chance or what?
help me boyos and girls! I'm crap at this kinda thing.
x x
the word of caution really is that meeting someone new is always exciting, but that might just be because it's new. you wouldn't want him to regret picking you over her; that'd hurt you.
Am I right in thinking that
a) If I sit round and wait I'll look pathetic and not be wanted anymore anyway? (despite it being what I wanna do really)
b) I'm an idiot to even think anyone ever breaks up with anyone for someone else?
Ferretbite- I've messaged you back love.
Matt,- I'm pretty much certain he's a nice guy.Whats all this gentleman crap about though? I'm gonna be uncharacteristically selfish and say that it's not gonna work with them now is it? Shes movin halway across the world and he's kissing other girls. Doesn't look good does it?
Climbit- No double dipping shall be occurring. Nothing more is happenning til the lad sorts his head out.
Rael - You're right. Its a shame i'm a bit impatient really. And he wouldn't regret it. lol. I shall be carefull.
Oh and so you all know. I'mprbably not gonna be friends with him. 'cause when I am friends with a guy there is always more sex involved than I like in my friendships and I am not sleeping with anyone who has a girlfriend again!..
(I did this 2yrs ago and his girlfriend was recently told about it: now they were seperated when I started seeing him but we're still very very good friends so I got a call telling me to cover for him. Oh how I love being second best all the time)