I'm going to see Brand New tomorrow night though which is rather exciting!! Unfortunately it's with my ex-boyfriend Chris who's being a complete git to me at the moment and ignoring me - which worries me even more as he is in posession of the tickets
I'm sure it will all be ok (if I keep saying it it will come true. definately
I'm currently at work where I have to saty until 11PM (then back at 7AM) And it's ever so dull! A TV crew just checked in who are filming a show called the great British menu and I think that is going to be by far the most exciting thing that happens to me tonight!!
Actually - I did a scrubs personality quiz and it confirmed that I am in fact Elliot from scrubs the second - I had suspected this for many months...

I'm sure it will all be ok (if I keep saying it it will come true. definately

I'm currently at work where I have to saty until 11PM (then back at 7AM) And it's ever so dull! A TV crew just checked in who are filming a show called the great British menu and I think that is going to be by far the most exciting thing that happens to me tonight!!
Actually - I did a scrubs personality quiz and it confirmed that I am in fact Elliot from scrubs the second - I had suspected this for many months...

You're super pretty yourself.
Brand new=<3.
I love Jessie Lacey.
Have fun!