Got wedding stuff going on. yeah. Right now my mom got on me about party invites so I also got around to semi fixing up this page. So I fixed my wedding page and my registries on target and amazon and made sure they were linked up to the wedding homepage too.
Engagement party is next sunday. Just need to make it through the week.
This week was long. last saturday we didn't work the whole day so kind of made me
means a longer day on friday. Then monday I got ill so I left right before lunch. then we got kicked home early on wednesday i think. So sadly I worked all day on friday.
Jojo got his GED in the mail this week. YEAH! We went to Dave and Busters to celebrate. Friday went to Infernal Doll Factory. I think the last performance was hotter but there was some cool stuff in this one. like some girls with fire and my fav was the alice in wonderland in which my opinion is that it was way too short. As usual long time between sets. I think they were slightly faster on this show but it was still quite a wait. Finally met Sharonlove which was cool but I also met Jenn. Jenn and I have been on eachothers friendlists for here and myspace and stuff for years.. She found me in the bathroom (funny is that the baby shower I went to sunday was at her house. all along we have had a mutual friend that we didn't know about) I have pictures to edit. so I will have to do that this week. Saturday jojo took me out to see the new Harry Potter. Very good movie btw. Better than I expected. I didn't have high hopes on this one. My second fav book the last movie and the movie before that was my favorite book of the series. Also fun at Target. There needs to be more super targets. Then today was my first baby shower of anyone of my friends that live in the same town as me that was having a baby. Too many ppl I know are having babies. I think that means I am getting old. oh well....
Engagement party is next sunday. Just need to make it through the week.
This week was long. last saturday we didn't work the whole day so kind of made me

Jojo got his GED in the mail this week. YEAH! We went to Dave and Busters to celebrate. Friday went to Infernal Doll Factory. I think the last performance was hotter but there was some cool stuff in this one. like some girls with fire and my fav was the alice in wonderland in which my opinion is that it was way too short. As usual long time between sets. I think they were slightly faster on this show but it was still quite a wait. Finally met Sharonlove which was cool but I also met Jenn. Jenn and I have been on eachothers friendlists for here and myspace and stuff for years.. She found me in the bathroom (funny is that the baby shower I went to sunday was at her house. all along we have had a mutual friend that we didn't know about) I have pictures to edit. so I will have to do that this week. Saturday jojo took me out to see the new Harry Potter. Very good movie btw. Better than I expected. I didn't have high hopes on this one. My second fav book the last movie and the movie before that was my favorite book of the series. Also fun at Target. There needs to be more super targets. Then today was my first baby shower of anyone of my friends that live in the same town as me that was having a baby. Too many ppl I know are having babies. I think that means I am getting old. oh well....