Combichrist tickets! I won two free tickets to combichrist from . I think he has more to win. Thanx Matt. you rock. so we went over to French Quarter to pick them up last night. yeah combichrist. I am like jumping around like a little kid. Chance that something better will happen too.
i will be moving at the end of august. YEAH. not far. to the other sdie of the complex It is a larger apartment. right next to the pool and hot tub. I will feel like going even more now that I won't have to go that far. though "our friend" at apt 1110 I think I want to put firecrackers on his porch at 2am in the morning. maybe he will stop whining about the quiet gatherings at the hot tub with my friends. I need more ideas to do about this. I would be understanding if we are loud but we are reasonable
Got a new toy this month. a handheld dvd camcorder. fun fun toy!
i will be moving at the end of august. YEAH. not far. to the other sdie of the complex It is a larger apartment. right next to the pool and hot tub. I will feel like going even more now that I won't have to go that far. though "our friend" at apt 1110 I think I want to put firecrackers on his porch at 2am in the morning. maybe he will stop whining about the quiet gatherings at the hot tub with my friends. I need more ideas to do about this. I would be understanding if we are loud but we are reasonable
Got a new toy this month. a handheld dvd camcorder. fun fun toy!

Free Combichrist tickets! How lucky! I am totally coming down to Jax for that show. I only caught like one song from them at the KMFDM show. Was wicked with the sad. So I am damn excited to get another chance to see them live. Will see you there!!!!
awwwww thats so nicce of you, which pic is it ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx