Purchased a canon eos 650 for a steal. 2 lenses, filters, metal case, flash. So I am in love. pretty much what we paid for the small lens out of that .... oh sweet love. I have a regular camera again. well we have one. so camera count is up to 4. only 2 of them are digital. 3 of them canons. 1 is only partially functional.
had the day off. edited pictures, cleaned very little, cooked perogies and chicken, went to see pirates of the carribbean (dissappointed in the ending though), picked up a camera and got in at 3.30. I am beat. I didn't even sleep in this morning cause I was too excited over the camera to sleep in or get any sleep.
well at least I don't have an early shift tomorrow.
had the day off. edited pictures, cleaned very little, cooked perogies and chicken, went to see pirates of the carribbean (dissappointed in the ending though), picked up a camera and got in at 3.30. I am beat. I didn't even sleep in this morning cause I was too excited over the camera to sleep in or get any sleep.
well at least I don't have an early shift tomorrow.
You turned a joke into a personal diatribe, but that's okay. It's not unlike you. Again you were a little misinformed, I know longer have friends working with me or with the Embraced or with LITC. As for payment, I no longer do unpaid work for anybody. I am expecting people to judge me for my career goals and the industry I work in because unless you do what I do, you don't understand, you just don't.
I'm not going to make it to The Embraced show. I'm going to work instead. David (my X) is the singer of Esther, i really just want to go see him play just because I want to know if he can actually sing that good LIVE. You should come out to the Remembering Never show
My favorite band! Its actually on Tuesday, August 1st.