Combichrist and KMFDM!!! October 16th in St PETE. I am going to this. I know there is one in orlando which is much closer but we are going to go see the Dali museum and hit up my grandmothers house on the way back. Thinking of spending 3 days out there or something like that. *happy girl dance*
July 15 I found out Mankind is Obsolete will be out at The Pit. I was psyched that they would be here but it sounded like no one good would be playing with them. But I just found out that Phoenix Nebulin will be there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven't seen Phoenix Nebulin then get your ass out to see them. They are great plus Linda is FUCKING HOT.
Cooked dinner for the boyfriends mom last night when she brought us chairs for our table. I felt so domesticated that it scared me. This place is starting to look like a home to me.
I found a beautiful 35mm canon for 400 with 2 lenses and filters and tons of stuff in a nice case. I want it. so I have to save up and hope she doesn't sell it to someone else
I did buy a Casio Exilim S500. found it for 220 on sale. It is my new toy. well I am not buying anything for awhile. though jojo will probably buy that canon.
I am so giddy.
July 15 I found out Mankind is Obsolete will be out at The Pit. I was psyched that they would be here but it sounded like no one good would be playing with them. But I just found out that Phoenix Nebulin will be there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you haven't seen Phoenix Nebulin then get your ass out to see them. They are great plus Linda is FUCKING HOT.
Cooked dinner for the boyfriends mom last night when she brought us chairs for our table. I felt so domesticated that it scared me. This place is starting to look like a home to me.
I found a beautiful 35mm canon for 400 with 2 lenses and filters and tons of stuff in a nice case. I want it. so I have to save up and hope she doesn't sell it to someone else
I did buy a Casio Exilim S500. found it for 220 on sale. It is my new toy. well I am not buying anything for awhile. though jojo will probably buy that canon.
I am so giddy.

I missed you and Jess at the show too...I was thinking that same thing though-I probably knew about half of the people there! Hopefully next time we will all run into each other!
KMFDM?!?! ACK! Pffft! Im so happy my brain stopped working! Oh sweet potato pie that shows gonna kick! thanks for the head up, you rock!