I think I missed sg. I think I have been on here 4 times today. One of them was a bit distracting for my roommate who was trying to get ready for work. ah he'll get over it. I have plenty of new pictures to put up when I get my computer up and running. I have it sitting there but I have yet to plug it in cause it will be too distracting while I am trying to unpack. but I did set up the tv and ps2. I have had movies running all day in the background.
ok when did regular salsa start having corn in it? I think that is foul. I tend to only eat corn off the cob but I am freaked out when ppl put it in food like soup and stuff.
I watched the two latest girl meets girl animes that my roommate downloaded. I am addicted to it. its about a boy who loves this girl that turns him down (which is not because she doesn't like him but she visually can't see guys but he is the only one and she is afraid that he will go away too. This guys best friend loves him. well one night a spaceship lands on him and he dies. They have the technology to recreate him but only as a girl. so they do what they can do. so now its an all girl love triangle. but his best guy friend likes him now. God that is addicting like crack.
I framed some of my art to put on the wall. I need screw eyes and find where I put my hangers. I framed this gorgeous drawing of skip I did at the last apartment. I will have to steal jojo's camera one day and take pictures of some of them. I wanted to put inks picture in a frame but she doesn't quite fit in an 8 x 10. and that was the largest one I had.
well I am going to wash dishes and then take a bath. so I can get all dolled up to go.
ok when did regular salsa start having corn in it? I think that is foul. I tend to only eat corn off the cob but I am freaked out when ppl put it in food like soup and stuff.
I watched the two latest girl meets girl animes that my roommate downloaded. I am addicted to it. its about a boy who loves this girl that turns him down (which is not because she doesn't like him but she visually can't see guys but he is the only one and she is afraid that he will go away too. This guys best friend loves him. well one night a spaceship lands on him and he dies. They have the technology to recreate him but only as a girl. so they do what they can do. so now its an all girl love triangle. but his best guy friend likes him now. God that is addicting like crack.
I framed some of my art to put on the wall. I need screw eyes and find where I put my hangers. I framed this gorgeous drawing of skip I did at the last apartment. I will have to steal jojo's camera one day and take pictures of some of them. I wanted to put inks picture in a frame but she doesn't quite fit in an 8 x 10. and that was the largest one I had.
well I am going to wash dishes and then take a bath. so I can get all dolled up to go.

Good to have you back darlin'.