's been a bit since I've blogged...oops
But it's for a good cause! Got a couple job offers and I moved into my new apartment!!
YAY!! Today I'm going back to my parents to get some furniture and my kitties! I'm SO FUCKING EXCITED! Can't wait to have my babies back!
Plus, I've got a buddy that says he'll take some pics for me to...
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Plus, I've got a buddy that says he'll take some pics for me to...
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Sounds like we have something to look forward to as do you 


Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!!
Be sure to wear green and have a great fucking night! Gonna be getting my drank on a little later, but for now I'm gonna get my ass taking some pics!
Anyone in the KZoo area, lemme know if there's something fun going on anywhere interesting! XOXO LOVE YOU ALL! ~ Jade ~ 

Have fun and be careful!!!
You too, babe! 

OMG the weather has been so beautiful! I love it!!!
Can't wait to do some outdoor sets now that the weather is so gorgeous! Speaking of sets, I need to get one done soon to submit....AHHHH!!! So exciting
So I made a wishlist, finally, and it's on my profile for all to view! Hopefully I'll get some good shit from some fans!
One can only...
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So I made a wishlist, finally, and it's on my profile for all to view! Hopefully I'll get some good shit from some fans!

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Yes, you do need to get a set done!
True story Metro! I need one done like....two weeks ago lol! Soon I'll have one done, just not soon enough 

So, I've finally caught up on most of my's about damn time! Still have more work to do before I'm officially all up to snuff, though. Most importantly, I need to take PICTURES! AHHH! Can't wait to find a photog to get my set out the way....but I may just have to do some other photos in the mean time! Soon I will get...
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It's damn hard to keep up sometimes ain't it?! You should definitely take some pictures for the mean time :] Good luck on your first night!! I'm sure you will do fine! Let us know how it goes!
Good luck at the club! Can't wait to see new pics!
OMG so tired! I wanted to get on here to catch up on blogging and messaging, but I'm too exhausted. I'm sorry for those that I let down and didn't get back to yet. I really need a break from life and hopefully get to spend my time with you guys! Love and miss you all! Be back soon
XOXO ~ Jade ~

Get some rest the messages and blogs will be here when you get back 

:] have a nice break m'dear. We'll all be here when ya get back!
So as I promised, today will be dedicated to working online! Time to shower and go to my doc appointment: yay for Xanax!!
After that, I'm all yours
Hope everyone is having a great day! XOXO ~ Jade ~ 

Uh oh, your online work doesnt seem to have got far, hope everything is ok.
Ugh, I know. I suck
Been too stinking busy with stupid shit. I'll be back soon, promise! I need it, it'll be my little vacation from life
Talk to everyone soon! 

Sorry I haven't been keeping up the past few days on here,; it's been a little hectic! Tomorrow I will be dedicating the day to catching up on messages and blogging, promise
I miss SG!!!! I hope all are doing well and I miss you
UGH BEDTIME! Night XOXO ~ Jade ~ 

Good night gorgeous 

Good night
Good morning....kinda, it's a Monday
Thankfully it has stopped snowing but none has melted yet: BOO!!! So ready for Spring/Summer! I'll get to finally do outdoor photos since it's too fucking cold in Michigan to do it most of the year. That and BIKINIS! Woo hoo!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, hopefully Monday is going alright too!!
Maybe going to have my first...
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I hope everyone had a great weekend, hopefully Monday is going alright too!!

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I wish you were here too xoxoxoxoxo
Thanks. I would love to give you a ride on mine.

Wow! Stayed up all night, slept all day...totally feel like a champ!
Nothing like waking up at night only to go ahead and take your sleeping pills to go back to bed in a few hours! LMAO! Crazy life but loving it <3 Hope everyone's weekend is going great! I'd have to say mine was pretty fantastic for the most part, so it's time for...
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Unfortunately, it was all sleep
Hopefully next time it's mostly not sleep!! 

I like the sound of that 

Happy Weekend all!! Yay
Too bad it's all snowy outside here! Feeling back to my normal self finally, woo hoo! I've made a fan page on facebook and the link is in my info under my facebook link for those who want to join! Thanks for all the love and support! XOXO
Everyone have a safe and fun weekend!!

it hasnt snowed here in ahwile thank god! but for you i think a nice cup of hot coco and a day of relaxing is due snow days =lazy days <3
I agree! Lazy day it is
We've barely even had a winter then bam! Here it is now. Lame! Glad you've at least got some decent weather where you're at Zebrah! 

So here I am, sicker than hell. I hate having vertigo; can't sleep but can't move without wanting to die. FML! Don't even know what to do with myself other than just lie here being useless.
But, on a brighter note....I hope everyone's night is going well. For those who are dealing with the same weather that I have, please drive safe!!
Let's hope I...
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But, on a brighter note....I hope everyone's night is going well. For those who are dealing with the same weather that I have, please drive safe!!

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I hope you feel better gorgeous! Were getting hit right now with some nice heavy snow. I wish winter would make up its mind.
Thank you Remi
Feeling better after getting like 12 hours of sleep! Same here with the snow....yucky!
Hopefully you get to stay inside today, if not drive safe doll! I thought for sure we were done with this snow business.

Happy Thursday all! Almost Friday
Totally lost my cell phone yesterday, so anyone who's trying to get in touch with me, I'm not ignoring you! Hopefully I find it today! Thanks to everyone for all the supportive comments on my new pics; I really appreciate it!! Love you all and have a great day!

Totally lost my cell phone yesterday, so anyone who's trying to get in touch with me, I'm not ignoring you! Hopefully I find it today! Thanks to everyone for all the supportive comments on my new pics; I really appreciate it!! Love you all and have a great day!

Yay :] Happy Thursday to you too!
Sorry about your phone lovely! Hope you can find it
Sorry about your phone lovely! Hope you can find it

Thank you doll
Love the pics by the way, you are blazing HOT!