Diet from Day1: Milk chocolate ensure, mushy scrambled eggs, cherry ice pop, pureed lentil soup, angel hair in beef broth, ice cream, tea, tons of H2O
Post-tonsillectomy Day 2
If you don't want to read gross details as to my condition at the moment than don't read the following:
My mom is driving me up a wall because she is worried and over-attentive. Asking me a billion questions every five minutes which sucks when it is so uncomfortable to talk. She actually gave me a list of things I might want and told me to call and hang up and she will come up and tend to me. Then I am supposed to point to whatever it is on the list that I want from her... like cream of wheat, soup, ice pack, water, or fuck off. YES, she actually has fuck off on the list. My Mom is a nut. I almost want to call her, have her come up and point to fuck off just for a laugh, but I love her too much, that is mean, and laughing would probably be quite painful.
Instead, I have found other ways to amuse myself. I have finally delved into the world of and what a glorious world it is. Yesterday, I watched, The Pit and the Pendulum with Vincent Prince, Cracked not Broken a documentary about a crack-cocaine addict, Super Size Me, a National Geographic documentary on the FBI, and 3 episodes of Dollhouse (which of course was the highlight because my wife is hot!). I wonder what's in store for today.
how are you feeling?