work sucked today....we were sooo off tommorrow....yeah ET's pic was kind of a mistake... I actually got my scanner to scan a picture of me onto the comp but..... I couldnt get my picture to go on this shi*. I swear i am so stupid when it comes to technical stuff....Somebody help me...
...Well yesterday i went shopping for some new barista clothes... Mine were getting wore out..Some chick that worked @ Express was checking me out.... whoo hooo.... All that hit on me are old creepy weird men or women... At work i have a bunch of freaky old men that come in all the time.....
alright ill stop w/ my boring ass info... If anyone wants to help me with this comp shit then hooray

Yea I live on oakmont, its an ok area I guess, I have been contemplating moving closer to work but I HATE arlington so I think I'll stay around here awhile longer.
once you get better you will know about what size to make your pics but start at 25% and you should be fine.