I really dont understand what my roomates are doing to eachother right now. ok well. They are a couple. well. were a couple. lesbos. They were together for sometime. A has been doing some inconsiderate things to M for the past few weeks, so in retaliation M had some random chick stay the night alst night. Which I think is totally not even cool. How are you going to have some chick come have sex in the apt and bed you share with...oh what does it matter. it has nothing to do with me. well, kinda because these girls come to me regarding all this shit. and i tell them what i think and it doesnt matter. but whatever. I just wish they would both stop trying to hurt the other, its really rediculous and hard to watch. Why do grrls want to hurt other grrls. Isnt there enough of that already why must this happen. I hate this.
over and out
over and out

ps you're a horrible stalker.....