Hi peoples! It's a beautiful day here, 60 degrees and sunny! Also, I'm actually feeling about 75% better, which is a huge difference, since I've been sick since around October! My lungs actually are healing and the disgusting mucus is almost gone! YIPPEE! Maybe I'm not dying of TB! Anyhow, I need to get scootin' on this assignment I have for craetive processes class. The topic is "square circles." I'm thinking of doing something about groups (circles) of square (not with-it) people. That's hard for me, though, because then I'd have o judge people and say, this is cool, this isn't, and that's kinda' wierd, because one person's cool is another person's dumb. Oh well, I'll work it out. Any suggestions, folks?
thanks for the compliment.
well, the stencil is usually bigger than 8.5 x 11, so i tile it, ya know?
for example, that dancing girl in the painting i showed you is 36" tall and about 15" wide, so i probably printed it out in 8 pieces - 2 rows of four high. i figured out the tiling in photoshop. then i matched the printed pieces up like a puzzle and taped it together, and cut out the shapes. so i had this big flimsy stencil that i wieghed down with pennies.
hmmm, technically i did that twice, once to create the blue background stencil, and once for the green parts.
get it? its kinda hard for me to explain because i hate numbers.
i dunno, there's probably better ways to do it, thats just how i worked it out.