tomorrow i leave for england, obviously i'm excited coz i have'nt seen my mum and sister since jan4th and i do miss them lots BUT i do hate to say by to marky mou *sigh*
it crushes me going to my gate # and waving bye to him....i suppose it remnds me of the past and the times when we were both uncertain when we would be together again.
i just caught a quick glance of a pic of mark at his brothers wedding and i feel overwhelmed with emotions so i'm gonna go back to bed and try and chill for while.
peace out
ps~leave odyne a nice mess coz she is sad too.

i just caught a quick glance of a pic of mark at his brothers wedding and i feel overwhelmed with emotions so i'm gonna go back to bed and try and chill for while.
peace out
ps~leave odyne a nice mess coz she is sad too.