So last night we threw a going away party for Gregweed. I forgot my camera, but he will probably post some pics. It was pretty crazy, and I am definately going to be feeling the effects of it all day today. At about 3 am a couple of shirtless guys, who supposedly live behind the house where the party was, showed up and were bleeding a lot. They told us that they had been shooting each other with a staple gun in order to see "who was the bigger man", I swear those were their words. So we told them that they had to leave, and stop bleeding on the furniture. When they left they set off some kind of big explosive or firework, I don't really know what it was, but I do know that when it went off I felt it. So we had to call the cops, and explain the situation, so that we wouldn't get blamed for it. It was crazy, but the night was still a sucess.
Welcome (see above)
Ha, ha you know you loved even damn minute of it, good times letting this here broad get you drunk...wait till Friday